Monday, December 31, 2007

Two Thousand and Seven, Anno Domini

Another year has nearly ended and such alot has gone on, some good and some absolutely unreal! Take for instance our government stopping me as parent from smacking my child! Incredible that they got away with it, we really have gotten to be a wishy-washy meek and weak people while some in parliament, not even elected-by-the-people, have walked all over us and introduced stuff that we would never ever vote them in on!
How did it happen? They did it by continuous bombardment of one stupendous 'act- of- an- ass- of- an- idea' after another.. and while we were spinning and trying to get our naive heads around their constant barrage of new 'Private Member Bills' and the like, hey presto 'it' had passed late into the night and we awoke to some new anti- family law enacted while we were busy sleeping off a hard days work to put food on the family table! We never had a vote on any of it!
Where have the days gone when Political Parties gave us their 'Party Manifesto' to peruse at our leisure? So we knew what their plans were, their agenda...Those days have gone and we're left with a scary agenda so cunningly concealed and planned, it is the agenda to change not only the way we think but what we can 'say,' with our right to freely-speak curtailed from midnight tonight.
2007 is the year that many of us ordinary people in New Zealand got abused and called names like 'biggot'; 'homophobic'; 'exclusive'; 'intolerant'; 'insane'; 'narrow- minded'; 'fundamentalist'; 'God botherer'; 'culturally insensitive'...I have never before been subject to such abusive bullying from people who 'pride' themselves on being so TOLERANT! I had heard of that type of abuse/bullying in places like the USA in years past.
But I have never changed, I have not always been a Christian but I still knew what is good and what is bad for our society. In 2008 AD, I will be thinking and saying what I did Today, and Yesterday and no political party or Act of Parliament will change that fact.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's time for Christ and some fun...

Best wishes to you for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, politically correct, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the summer holidays, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all.

Additionally, we wish you a financially successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures or sects, and having regard to the race, gender, religion, age, marital status, disability or impairment, sexual preference, family responsibilities, status as a carer, political beliefs or transgender status.

(Disclaimer: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others and no responsibility for any unintended emotional stress these greetings may bring to those not caught up in the holiday spirit. Any references in this greeting to “The Lord”, “Father Christmas”, “Our Saviour”, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” or any other festive figures, whether actual or fictitious, dead or alive, shall not imply any endorsement by or from them in respect of this greeting.)



Monday, November 19, 2007

Be Ye Prepared!

It is a good thing to be informed, prepared even, for what is to come in these last days. Especially if you are a parent and want to protect your family from the inevitable breakdown of everything you once held dear and never dreamed, it could all be cunningly torn down by the Lost Plotters' plans.

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
November 19, 2007

On November 14, 2007 the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate voted for HR 1429, Head Start reauthorization. In the House version, there was a good parental consent provision. However, when the final conference report was adopted, it was the Senate version that was included. Unfortunately, this version only requires written parental consent "before administration of any non-emergency intrusive physical examination of a child...." Obviously, this is a green light for any non-emergency intrusive "mental" examination of a child. Parents across this nation should be alarmed about this action by Congress. Regrettably, President Bush is expected to sign this legislation which deliberately omits parental consent for mental health screening of young children.

In previous parts of this series, I have mentioned how fluoride in our water affects mental health. Research by Prof. Roger Masters of Dartmouth University has shown a relationship between silicofluorides in water supplies and a higher rate of crime and violent behavior. This is because silicofluorides increase the uptake and absorption of lead from the environment, and lead alters brain chemistry causing loss of self-control. Hydrofluorosalicic acid (which, unlike sodium fluoride, has never been tested for health safety in water supplies) is used in 90% of our government-supplied drinking water. Eliminating this (because the benefit of fluoride is only topical anyway) would reduce crime and violence in the U.S., saving our health and a tremendous amount of money, too.

Also in previous parts of this series, I have related that mercury in vaccines has adversely affected people's mental health. This isn't hard to understand, as mercury is a neurotoxin. In 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Public Health Service actually requested that all mercury-containing thimerosal be removed from vaccines. Despite this, on September 26, 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected a petition to add new restrictions to thimerosal, even though there's a growing body of evidence suggesting a connection between mercury and autism. In fact, if you listed the symptoms for mercury poisoning and autism, they are strikingly similar. Today, most doses of flu vaccine still contain thimerosal.

Today, 1 in 166 children have been diagnosed as having autism compared to 1 in 10,000 just a few decades ago. Actually, one shouldn't be surprised, because young children today receive multiple shots at the same time, so that the total level of mercury they receive is greater than public health officials just a few years ago said was safe !

Not only is the increase in autism alarming, but according to Dr. Mark Geier and David Geier, in 6 people develop neurological disorders today. Just this past June 26, a survey commissioned by Generation Rescue compared vaccinated and unvaccinated children in 9 counties in Oregon and California. Among more than 9000 boys age 4-17, the survey found vaccinated boys 155% more likely to have neurological disorders compared to those not vaccinated. Vaccinated boys were also 224% more likely to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and the vaccinated boys were 61% more likely to have autism.

To obtain a copy of the Geiers' DVD on the subject, call 863-420-6373. Near the first of the DVD, a revealing investigative report by Steve Wilson of Detroit's Channel 7 is presented. He even includes reference to doctors at a private meeting saying they wouldn't want their children receiving vaccines with thimerosal, but they were not going to tell this to the public.

Jack Doubleday, director of Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., as of August 1 began offering $90,000 (with a $5000 increase per month) to any medical doctor or pharmaceutical CEO who will drink a mixture (body-weight calibrated dose) of standard vaccine additives. The mixture would include thimerosal, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (a disinfectant dye), aluminum, formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant dye), etc.

In previous parts of this series, I also have referred to problems with Columbia University's TeenScreen mental health survey, including its high number of "false positives" generated. Early this year, National Public Radio aired a report about a TeenScreen project carried out by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) which determined almost 50% of those surveyed were deemed to require psychiatric "interventions" of some kind. NAMI receives millions of dollars from drug companies.

Growing numbers of youth are being diagnosed as having mental health problems and in need of psychotropic drugs or antidepressants. A January 2006 Brandeis University study found that psychotropic drug prescriptions for teens increased 250% from 1994 to 2001.

Likewise, many pregnant women increasingly are being diagnosed as needing antidepressants. From 1999 to 2003, antidepressant use during pregnancy increased from 5.7% to 13.4%. The media has reported that antidepressants are perfectly safe, despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) conducted a study that found the risk of several severe birth defects doubled or nearly tripled among babies whose mothers took SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants during the first trimester of pregnancy.

In terms of education, after babies are born, increasing numbers of children are being placed in daycare learning environments. However, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHHD) has followed the development of 1300 children since 1991, and its recent study results concluded that the longer above 10 hours a week a child spent in group care, the more likely it is that teachers report behavioral problems once the youngsters start school.

And once the children start school, in many places they begin K-12 "comprehensive sex education" with obvious results. Even FAMILY PLANNING PERSPECTIVES, which is affiliated with Planned Parenthood, in its July/August 1986 issue acknowledged in research by Marsiglio and Mott that there is an association between taking sex education and starting intercourse at ages 15 and 16. Why have public schools done this? It's to further "The Sexual Revolution," which also is the title of a book by Wilhelm Reich (1929 original title SEXUALITY IN THE CULTURE WAR). Reich was a disciple of the insane Otto Gross, who believed the family and religion must be destroyed.

Expressing an attitude similar to Reich's, John Dewey ("The Father of Progressive Education"), in THE NEW REPUBLIC (December 5, 1928) had written in glowing terms how the Bolsheviks were undermining the church and family. The idea was to promote sex (fornication) to undermine Biblical moral absolutes which, in turn, would undermine the authority of the church and parents. John Dewey (who would be named honorary president by the National Education Association in 1932), in the same year as Reich's book first appeared, authored INDIVIDUALISM, OLD AND NEW (1929), in which he declared: "We are in for some kind of Socialism."

And regarding social control, if Sen. Hillary Clinton is elected president, we are sure to see "HillaryCare" socialized medicine tried again. Of course, with government controlling our medical care, this will be an easy way to monitor us. On August 14, 2007, GOVERNMENT HEALTH IT reported that "The CIA-backed venture capital firm In-Q-Tel is investing money in a company that sells software used for managing electronic health records." The software creates a "master patient index" that could be used by the CIA. This would be instead of assigning a unique health identifier to everyone, because most Americans would be alarmed about that and object to it.

Another means of tracking people is the implantation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips in them. A little over a year ago, VeriChip approached the U.S. Government and recommended implanting RFID chips in military personnel. Concerning nonmilitary citizens, tracking of people's purchases is being promoted simply as "convenient." NEWSWEEK on July 17, 2006 published "Shopping: Give Them a Hand," which reported that 2.5 million subscribers have signed up to use "Pay By Touch" biometric technology available in grocery stores in 44 states. Stacey Minton, a "Coast to Coast" shopper refused to sign up, saying "We'll all have bar codes on the back of our necks in 10 years." But Pay By Touch spokeswoman Shannon Riordan forecast that "convenience wins in the end."

The American people have been so conditioned that they will allow government to do almost anything to them without protest, even eliminating Constitutional rights. In Judge Andrew Napolitano's A NATION OF SHEEP (October 30, 2007), he explains how the Bush administration with Congress' acquiescence now allows FBI agents to write their own search warrants without judicial approval. Judge Napolitano reminds us that one reason for the American Revolution was that British troops were here writing their own search warrants. He also reminds us that the Patriot Act now says it's a felony to tell anyone, even one's spouse or lawyer, if you have received one of these FBI-written search warrants. Judge Napolitano says this is worse than the Soviet Union where, if the KGB broke down your door at night, you could at least legally challenge what they did! Yet, the American people blithely and addictively continue watching inane sitcoms and soap operas filled with sinful/immoral behavior, while our Constitutional rights are being trashed.

This is how the power elite gradually conditions the people to accept its monitoring and eventual control of them. We must pray to God for His guidance and help in resisting and thwarting their devious machinations before it's too late.

© 2007 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved

[Order Dennis Cuddy's new book "Cover-Up: Government Spin or Truth?"]

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Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.

Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.

Where Two or Three Are Gathered, Jesus is in the Midst of Them

Never mind the children's Sunday School Chris Carter, they have Jesus Christ there with them so back off! (Matthew 18:20.The Holy Bible)

Family Party Opposes Sunday School Licensing
Friday, 9 November 2007, 2:22 pm
Paul Adams, Deputy Leader of The Family Party said today that the idea of the government forcing churche's to license their Sunday School's was further evidence of unwelcomed state interference in family and community life.

Education Minister Chris Carter has confirmed that a "GATHERING OF THREE CHILDREN" under adult supervision constitutes an early childhood education unit, so must be fully licensed.

“Sunday Schools have functioned wonderfully in our country and are a fundamental part of church, community and family life. There is absolutely no justification for the government to set foot in the church and dictate how it carries out its activities,” says Mr Adams.

Mr Adams said Sunday Schools provided invaluable character based education for children and allowed parents to enjoy and participate in church services under the same roof.

“What will be the impact on churches that run Sunday schools but don’t have the resource or wherewithal to meet government compliance? Families are less likely to attend church because they don’t have child facilities, which is totally contrary to family and community life.”

“I thought the church and state weren’t meant to mix? New Zealand’s church community is well capable of continuing the traditions of Christian education without the government controlling how it does it,” he added.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Weigh In To New Zealand

The madness continues WOTHAL! A man has skills we need in NZ but the Fat Police say he's overweight and he must weigh less before he darkens our shores. Never mind that we allow unrepentant homosexual Aid's sufferers in, or murderers or potential terrorists willy-nilly. He's here now, he's shed the kilo's and had his weigh-in @ the airport...but this guy's wife still hasn't got her clearance from the F.P, probably due to her being menopausal? or maybe loves her fish n chips once a week? What a ruddy crime!

Friday, 16 November 2007
Skilled worker told to slim before coming to NZ

A skilled worker was denied entry to New Zealand until he could pass a fat measurement test.

Richie Trezise, an English submarine cable specialist headhunted for a job with Telecom, was forced to slim down before the New Zealand Immigration Service would let him in.

He was denied an employer-backed talent visa when he failed the Body Mass Index test (BMI), a fat measurement using a person's height and weight.

According to reports, Mr Trezise's BMI was 42, making him morbidly obese under New Zealand Immigration guidelines.

Mr Trezise was forced to go on a crash diet to lose weight and 5cm from his waist and passed the test to start work in New Zealand in September.

Telecom spokesman Mark Watts told NZPA the company was sympathetic to Mr Trezise's situation, but the scheme had worked well.

"It enables us to get skilled workers from around the world," he said.

Mr Trezise is one of four highly qualified specialist technicians working on the upgrade of the Southern Cross submarine cable.

The Immigration Service said it did not know how many people had been denied entry because of high BMIs.

Fight the Obesity Epidemic spokeswoman and endocrinologist Robyn Toomath said the Immigration Service could not afford to import people into the country who were going to become a significant drain on our health resources.

"You can see the logic in assessing if there is a significant health cost associated with this individual and that would be a reason for them not coming," she said.

Meanwhile, Mr Trezise's wife Rowan is still in Britain attempting to meet BMI requirements before joining her husband in New Zealand.

He said that if she did not make it here by Christmas, he would return to Britain for good.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lost Plotter's

We have a few plotter's in New Zealand, hell bent on dismantling the family. The un-elected Sue Bradford is one of them and seemingly they've been around for awhile...


By Mike Heath

November 11, 2007

Whatever criticisms may be leveled against the Christian Civic League, we cannot be faulted for ignoring the issue of morality in our public schools. Two years ago, the League joined with parents in Orono to oppose the introduction of the book "Girl Interrupted" into the high school curriculum.

Last summer, we joined with concerned parents in Westbrook to oppose a sex education curriculum that teaches young children that homosexuality is normal and healthy.

Now we are vigorously opposing the efforts of the Portland School Committee to allow King Middle School to provide contraceptives to its students.

Mainers are confronted with a stark reality. All these acts -- using an obscenity-laden novel as a schoolbook, normalizing homosexuality in the minds of kindergarteners, providing contraceptives to middle-school students -- would have been illegal in an earlier age.


Our schools have not failed merely in their duty to teach young people the knowledge needed for physical and moral health. By teaching dangerously flawed views about sex, and by facilitating harmful and illegal acts, our public schools now actively participate in the corruption of our youth.

Many attribute the current chaos in sexual morality to the "sexual revolution" of the 1960s. They would be correct, at least to a degree.

The groundwork for overthrowing America's traditional views about marriage and the family was laid by the father of the sexual revolution, Wilhelm Reich, who spent his last years in Rangeley before a fraud-related contempt-of-court conviction sent him to federal prison, where he died on Nov. 3, 1957.

The unrelenting campaign to loosen sexual morals derives its name from a book written by Reich in 1929, which was entitled, appropriately enough, "The Sexual Revolution." The original title was "Sexuality in the Culture War.

In the book, Wilhelm Reich -- a disciple of Sigmund Freud - set forth his program for radicalizing society by undermining sexual morality.

Central to the thinking of Reich was the idea that conservative political views have their origin in the repression of sexuality in the child by an authoritarian father.

With time, the conservative ideology becomes incorporated in the character of the child. Character, for Reich, was a bad thing.

To change an individual's political viewpoint from conservatism to liberalism, the character of the individual must be altered or destroyed through sexual liberation.

According to Reich, the path to a better world lies through the loosening of sexual morality -- in others words, a sexual revolution.

Admittedly, all this sounds too mystifyingly evil to be true. But Reich went further. He claimed that sexual energy is the force which governs and sustains the world, and is worthy of honor for creating all that exists. For Reich, sex is God.

In the practical realm, Reich advocated lowering the age of consent to 12, in order to remove the harmful effects of the authoritarian family. Even more shocking is his claim that "The legalization of abortion implicitly contains an affirmation of sexual pleasure."

Apart from the evidence of Reich's own life, there can be no mistaking that the ideas of the Freudian Left have been a dismal failure.


Every revolution claims its innocent victims. Among the victims of the sexual revolution we can count the victims of child sexual abuse, sexual violence against women, and the 45 million victims of abortion.

I am told that in investigating a crime in a corporate or public setting, investigators look not so much for physical evidence, but for evidence as to what is missing -- information which has been hidden from view.

On the 50th anniversary of the death of the father of the sexual revolution, we need to find out what we are not being told.

Only then can we begin to understand the social wreckage about us; only then can we begin the crucial task of restoring the Christian view of marriage and the family to its rightful place.

© 2007 Mike Heath - All Rights Reserved

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Michael completed a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors in religion/philosophy at Roberts Wesleyan College in 1985. In 1989 he became Executive Director at The Christian Civic League of Maine.

In 1992 Michael was the Republican nominee for Maine's House of Representatives in District 85. He's participated in dozens of candidate and issue campaigns since 1990.

Mike speaks each week all over Maine in churches, civic groups and on college campuses. Mike is often quoted in Maine's daily newspapers and frequently offers the League's perspective on national, statewide and local radio and television news programs. He produces a daily two minute radio commentary program called "Faith Matters in Maine." It airs statewide and can be heard online at

In addition to having been published in many of Maine's newspapers, Heath maintains a popular blog called He makes his home in South China with Paulie (, his wife of 23 years.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

So Who Will You Serve?

I've been thinking alot lately about the state of our country, never mind the rest of the world, Jesus is taking care of it :) I am wondering how soon the country could be overtaken by another culture other than the two we are the most familiar with. If you would stop and give some thought to the boundary's that have been taken away and the barrier's torn down, that used to protect our young New Zealander's, there being nothing to keep them from the substance's to abuse nor the media that would addle the brains and turn them into mere state robots, providing much work in state-run or state-funded welfare agencies or NGO's. All of which are given state monies to take care of the nations ever-growing needy and lost children. So, there's money in it, heaps in fact. But while the brain's of our youth are frying, what do you think is happening to the youth brought up in the differing religions here? They are thriving, healthy and fed on a complete diet of whatever it is that is their doctrine. So, is that a good thing or is it a bad thing? Before you attack and tear down the Christian family doing their utmost best to steer their offspring on the road of God's righteousness, consider the alternatives of other faiths for a minute.
I am apalled that a most wonderful and highly reputable Christian- based parenting programme, (, being run in 80% of our schools, is not allowed to be funded by the Government because 'ParentsInc' talk from a moral perspective! So, the Government doesn't like morality taught to our parent's but when the parent's fail as parent's, for their lack of morality, (and that is everyone outside of religion), the children now have to be taught VALUES education in the schools! This ridiculous plan coincides with the taking over of the Ministry of Education portfolio by a homosexual minister, Chris Carter. Small wonder morality is not allowed, where's the justice in that for the majority of parents who consider homosexuality immoral?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

3RD World New Zealand

I cannot believe it but it had to happen, some people have no idea what a straight line is in our country. Now we have mother's selling their daughter's, hang your heads in shame all you who allowed prostitution to be legalised.

28 September 2007
Flawed Prostitution Law Results in Mother ‘Trading’ 16 y/o Daughter
Family First is disgusted with the actions of a mother who organised a prostitution ‘transaction’ between her 16 year old
daughter and a man, but say that this is an expected outcome of a flawed Act.
“Politicians who voted for this ideologically flawed bill which decriminalized prostitution should hang their heads in shame,
along with this mother,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.
“Along with an increase in street prostitution, brothels operating in residential areas, the association of brothels and
prostitutes with drugs, alcohol, and used condoms littering the area, we now have increased teenage prostitution
(involving girls reportedly as young as 11), and worse still, a parent making financial gain from ‘selling’ their daughter.”
“This is no different to the horrendous stories we hear of child prostitution and trafficking in Asian countries,” says Mr
McCoskrie. “It is child abuse of the worst kind.”
“It is also a disgrace that a man who purchases sex from the mother of a 16 year old by paying with drugs is not
prosecuted. The best way to protect prostitutes is to prosecute the buyer (as evidenced in other countries.)”
“And despite attempts by Manukau City Council to gain control over this type of behaviour, politicians continue to block
attempts to support local communities. MP’s need a reality check on just how destructive this industry is.”
The Prostitution Law Review Committee’s report on the State of the Sex Industry in NZ, tabled in Parliament in 2005
found a 40% increase in sex workers since 2001, and a growing trend towards street prostitution (up from 3% in 2001 to
11% in 2004).
The report also identified about 200 prostitutes under the age of 18.
“The decriminalisation of prostitution has failed prostitutes by encouraging them to think that prostitution can be safe –
which it can never be. But now the law is also failing our communities and young people. We must change it before it is
too late and our children become victims, similar to our teenagers.”
For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Fair Facts and (Un)Fairfax

Being booted off a message board on TradeMe is to me a censorship that I never thought could happen in New Zealand. I have requested again to be reinstated after being removed twice for posting my opinion just as everyone else does on there. For some reason though I am the only one that has been removed. Or that is what I thought, seemingly many people are removed, yet still, contentious topics are discussed today as it should be, but why are just some of us removed??? Here is the latest reply to my request for reinstatement...

Thanks for contacting us.

I've looked at the history of your behaviour on the message boards and see that we've had to remove 26 posts because they didn't comply with our site rules. In particular you were posting contentious topics that generated a number of complaints from members of the community.

You were given a temporary suspension from the message boards because of this.

When your message board privileges were restored you were advised not to discuss contentious issues yet you continued to do this. As is our standard procedure if you continue to violate message board rules after you've been suspended you are permanently banned from the message board. I'm sorry for any frustration this may cause.

If you have any further questions or if I can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact me.



Trade Me Support

Sunday, September 30, 2007

No Right To Silence You

URGENT!! Please copy this post and email it to everyone you know!

Free Speech Coalition Launched
Friday, 28 September 2007, 11:20 am

The Free Speech Coalition, a group dedicated to stopping the draconian Electoral Finance Bill has publicly launched itself today.

We agree with the Human Rights Commission and the New Zealand Law Society that this bill threatens the human rights of all New Zealanders and is so flawed that it should be stopped, not amended. A replacement Bill should be introduced after there has been public consultation and debate on the key issues - something totally absent from the current Bill.

A copy of the e-mail sent out to potential supporters is attached below. Most of the information on what we hope to achieve is in the e-mail and on our website at

If you send an email like this to a friend after January 1, 2008, you'll be breaking the law. Under the Government's Electoral Finance Bill currently before Parliament, you'll be fined up to $10,000, and even be risking a jail term if you do it deliberately.


Simply because the email dares to discuss how we run our society.

Yes, this Bill is that sinister.

That's why I'm asking for your help to Kill the Bill. If we don't kill it, then on New Year's Day your Government will strip you of your right to criticise the Government, other parties, MPs and policies you don't like.

The Bill has been described by several lawyers as a serious breach of the Bill of Rights. The Human Rights Commission has labeled the Bill as an infringement of human rights, that will discourage participation in the election process and suppress freedom of expression. In an almost unprecedented step, the New Zealand Law Society has called for the Bill to be stopped as it will curtail the legitimate expressions of opinions and represents a backward step in the integrity of democracy in New Zealand.

In an Orwellian twist, the Government claims the purpose of the Bill is to promote participation by the public in parliamentary democracy. The Human Rights Commission labels this a mockery of the actual likely effect of the Bill.

Despite this, the parties that voted for it - Labour, NZ First, Greens and United Future - won't give a commitment to stop it.

In fact, journalists report that the Government is determined to pass it.

The Bill will regulate political speech to an extent unheard of in New Zealand history:

* The definition of a political advertisement is expanded to be "any form of words or graphics, or both, that can reasonably be regarded as taking a position on a proposition with which one or more parties or one or more candidates is associated." Such ads will be highly regulated.

* You'll be banned from expressing your view on any political issue associated with a party or candidate unless you swear an oath via a statutory declaration that you will not spend more than $5,000 in the whole of election year in publishing your view.

* Unincorporated groups which have even a single member aged under 18, such as churches, will be banned from spending more than $5,000 a year - or $100 a week - on political advocacy.

* What sort of draconian activities does the Bill seek to protect us from? Handing out leaflets along the course of a protest march. Sending out a press release. Operating a website (other than a non-commercial blog). Displaying placards at a demonstration. Posting clips on YouTube. Putting up posters. That's right, all the things democratic societies call lawful expressions of free speech.

* Commercial advertising that conflicts with the views of a political party will not be allowed beyond a limit of $60,000 a year. How much evil propaganda will that buy you? About two full page newspaper ads in the NZ Herald.

* Political parties will be banned from running "issue" ads that oppose Government policies. For the whole of election year. They can only run ads that directly ask for votes.

Say your group wants to spend more than $5,000 a year publicising political issues. (Remember, that's anything to do with how we run our society.) In that case, the Government sees you as trouble. So you'll have to register with the Government. You'll also have to tell the Government who gave you your money. And in any case, you'll be banned from spending more than $60,000 of it in election year.

By now I hope you're feeling as outraged about this as I am.

If so, please help us Kill the Bill - while we still can.

A group of us have launched the Free Speech Coalition. We want it to be a focal point for all individuals and organizations opposed to the Electoral Finance Bill.

We plan to run an ad campaign. Our ads will educate New Zealanders about this Government's unprecedented assault on our cherished freedom of speech.

We've got a creative team waiting to get cracking. But we need your support. Specifically, your money.

Please pass this e-mail on to any of your friends and colleagues who you think will want to know about this Bill and do something about it.

You can donate instantly online at . You can also donate via Internet Banking (BNZ 02-0500-0908920-00) or by sending a cheque to the Free Speech Coalition, PO Box 12270, Thorndon, Wellington.

With your support we can make a difference. It would be tragic to have the Bill pass into law - and your right to free speech pass into history - just because everyone assumed that someone else would fight it.

Remember: if the bill is passed, even a harmless e-mail like this one will soon be illegal. That's reason enough to Kill the Bill.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Balancing Act

Christian radio station forced to give time to other faiths
Ottawa's CHRI rails against CRTC's 'ridiculous' balance policy

Jennifer Green
The Ottawa Citizen

Saturday, July 28, 2007

When is a Christian radio station not a Christian radio station? For the hour or so a day that it must air the views of other faiths to satisfy the CRTC's "balance" policy.

"It's ridiculous," says Bob Du Broy, vice-president of Ottawa's CHRI Christian music station. "It's like asking a rock station to play an hour of classical music." CHRI's announcers also find themselves in the bizarre situation of working for a Christian station without being able to talk much about Christianity for fear of triggering the "balance" issue.

Because CHRI 99.1 FM plays mostly music, its requirements for offsetting Christian proselytizing have been minimal at just over 30 minutes a week.

But now Mr. Du Broy wants to start a new Christian station, WORD FM, aimed at the growing radio audience older than 45, many of whom want Christian programming, but not the racket of rock music.

It would offer more than two-thirds spoken-word broadcasting with programs such as Billy Graham's Hour of Decision and James Dobson's Focus Weekend.

Religious music needn't be offset with other faiths, but the broadcast regulator, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, does require that spoken-word programming offer differing views. However, it is up to the applicant to propose just how this would be done.

Denis Carmel, the CRTC's director of public relations, said "It's unlikely that a single-faith station could be balanced (without some programming on other faiths)." Is it possible to get a licence without outside faith programming? "I'm not going to respond to that." Mr. Du Broy figures the CRTC will want at least one hour and 11 minutes a day devoted to other faiths. To get that figure, he multiplied 67 per cent (the amount of talking on air) by 7.35 per cent (number of non-Christians in the Ottawa area) to come up with 4.9 per cent of the 24-hour broadcast day, or 71 minutes.

The problem is, Christian radio listeners don't always care for the outside programming.

Many have enjoyed CHRI's Reflections on the Torah but Their Days, five-minute segments on Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, have been less of a hit.

Mr. Du Broy says in his submission to the CRTC, "... on a regular basis we receive complaints from core listeners that a non-Christian message does not belong on a Christian radio station. Many listeners have told us that it is too good and may seduce young people into following other religions." Counterbalancing religious points of view may sound like taking political correctness to extremes, but it comes out of a tumultuous history of religious broadcasting, stretching back the 1920s, when fiery radio preachers thought nothing of insulting other faiths over the airwaves.

A royal commission banned religious broadcasting, formed the forerunner of the CBC, and established strong federal control over the airwaves until the 1980s when the broadcast universe exploded with new channels and radio frequencies.

In 1993, the CRTC revisited its religious broadcasting policy, with long, heartfelt discussion of the requirements of balance. Ultimately, it decided to ease some requirements, particularly for specialty cable channels, but some commissioners dissented, cautioning: "We are disturbed by the extent of social, cultural, and racial intolerance which is often rooted in religious intolerance. One need only look to Bosnia, the Middle East, India, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and other world 'trouble spots' to observe this phenomenon in its most violent form. Such cultural and racial intolerance is less dramatic and violent, but no less real, in Canada." The United States had a similar "fairness" doctrine which was repealed in 1987. However, as conservative radio programs dominate the airwaves, there has been some talk recently of bringing it back, much to the alarm of some Christians, appalled at the thought of having to air the views of gay rights activists or secularists.

Applications to the CRTC for the 99.7 frequency that Mr. Du Broy hopes to land close Aug. 21.
© The Ottawa Citizen 2007


Copyright © 2007 CanWest Interactive, a division of CanWest MediaWorks Publications, Inc.. All rights reserved.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Not a Laodicean Believer

Coach Dave Daubenmire
September 20, 2007

Is anyone besides me tired of being so nice?

That is what they are trying to convince us to be you know….nice.

Funny, isn’t it? You can search the Bible through and through and you will be hard-pressed to find that adjective in reference to Christianity. Somewhere along the line we have become convinced that the greatest thing they can ever say about you as a Christian is that you are a “nice” man.

Nice may fit a Bible study, or a vacation with your family, but it is not very useful in war. That is one of the difficult things I am having trouble teaching our Christian football players. Nice has no place on the football field. Character is important, courage is demanded, tenacity fits, but being nice…”pleasing; agreeable; delightful” is a sure-fire way to get the snot knocked out of you. (Is it okay to say snot? Probably doesn’t sound very “nice” to some folks.)

Nice also has no place in the cultural war. “All’s fair in love and war” the old saying goes. Well, for those of you who want to “love” your enemies and those who want to “war” against them; it is time to take off the gloves.

The media has been after me a bit lately. They hate the fact that I am not one of those “nice” Christians that the Devil is trying to convince us we must be. Have you ever noticed that? The Devil’s kids are the one always calling the names and explaining to us how a Christian should act. Most Christians can’t wait to perform penance for not meeting the Devil’s standards of Christian-behavior.

Hey, it is a free country. They have a right to voice their opinion. But why is it that so much of the church-world takes its cue from what they hear from the media? Does anyone want to debate who is in control of what we read and hear? The Scriptures call Satan the prince of the power of the air. TV and radio waves travel in the air.

Here’s what I don’t get. If it is really a war for the souls of men, and I believe that it is, why are we so focused on being “nice” to the Devil and his evil aides? He is the father, you know, of the ones who are lost. Why do we let the Devil’s minions tell us how a Christian should behave?

It’s time we stopped apologizing to the Devil.

A few months ago I wrote about going to the gay pride parade in Columbus. We were shocked to see so many churches marching in the parade in support of sodomy and those who practice it. I was struck by how deceived those churches were. See, they were convinced that if they would just be “nice” to those who were perishing in that lifestyle, then we would all be able to enjoy the love of Jesus together. In fact, the homosexual crowd (the Devil’s “kids”) applauded the ‘tolerant” churches as they marched. They spit at those of us who carried the Truth of God’s love to them. Sometimes God’s love hurts.

Is it just me or was there something wrong with that picture? The Devil’s “kids” applauding the church….sort of like a Buckeye fan rooting for Michigan. But that isn’t what really amazes me. What honks my horn is the number of churches who are mad at me because we haven’t been nice to the Devil. We shouldn’t do that, I guess -- oppose the Devil and his followers. Just doesn’t seem very Christ-like….er…nice. “Be nice, Coach. Please be nice. You are making Christians look bad.”

Yep. The Devil says we’re mean and that Christians shouldn’t be mean. Most Christians follow his advice. Gotta be nice, you know.

Well, a few of my pastor friends (yes I still have a few friends who are pastors) decided that we have been pointing our guns at the wrong crowd. Instead of spending their time calling the lost to account they made the decision to call “the church” to account. How did they do it? Well, they went to a couple of churches who had marched in the sodomite-parade. It seems one lesbian-pastor did not appreciate her fellow brethren-of-the-cloth calling her to account for preaching a different gospel. It was just too….well….mean.

So how did she respond? She called her daddy’s boys in the media and told them how un-nice these mean Christians had been to her. Next thing you know, three-different publications had done stories on how these “hateful” Christians had “crashed” the services of these nice, loving, defenseless, homosexual-Christians.

You see, the media wants you to know that Bible-believing Christians are hateful but homosexual-Christians are loving. That is the Devil’s mantra. Who do you think the cowardly-church believes? The letters to the editor in the following days was filled with letters from other “nice” Christians who wanted to make sure that the Devil knew that they were sorry that some of God’s children played mean. That’s not very Christ-like, you know. Christians must play by the rules….even if the Devil makes them.

But God is gracious. He told us it was a war. He told us they would hate us. He told us He would never leave us or forsake us. Every attack of the enemy is a chance to stand-up for Jesus. Stop sucking on your thumb when the attack comes. The Devil doesn’t play nice. He’s counting on us to do that.

For two weeks I endured the assault of the “nicer-than-Coach” Christians and their apologies to the Devil in the local papers. They just couldn’t wait to apologize to the Devil for my opposition to his kids’ behavior. By the way, did I point out that I wasn’t even involved in going to the churches? It didn’t matter. The Devil just wanted to make sure that everyone knew Christians like me were mean, and that anyone else who decided to speak up for Jesus could expect the same public smearing.

I hate to sound so prideful, but the attack just egged me on. I am not ignorant of his devices. I know when we have hit a nerve. I refuse to apologize to the Devil.

So, I wrote a letter-to-the-editor and to my amazement, they printed it. The Columbus Dispatch, the largest home-newspaper in Ohio, printed my letter at the top of the opinion page. I refused to do what so many do when attacked by the media. I wasn’t going to grovel for their approval, slobbering how sorry I was, how I had miss-spoken, and how I would soon be entering diversity training to learn to be nicer. The Lord gave me an opportunity to share the Gospel with those who are perishing as well as those who apologize to those who are perishing. Here is what the Lord allowed me to say.

I write not to defend myself, but rather to clarify the continued drive-by reporting of those at the Columbus Dispatch.

The Aug. 17 Dispatch article "Anti-gay activists crash worship services" was filled with inaccuracies and untruths. To set the record straight: Two ministers of the Gospel, with others from their congregation, visited two gay-affirming churches with the message that homosexuality and Christianity are incompatible. It is my understanding, as I was not there, that after the service they met privately with the pastor at each church to call the pastor to account for teaching doctrine that is not supported by Scripture. For The Dispatch to use the term "crashed" is journalistic fraud designed to incite a negative response by Dispatch readers.
I stand in support of Christian Ministers holding others who claim to be Christian Ministers accountable to the Word of God. It is the way the church body should operate. Telling a gay-man or gay-woman that God looks the other way as He winks at their particular sin is not the loving response a homosexual should hear from any minister of the Gospel. The two pastors who spoke truth to their gay-affirming fellow ministers did exactly what the Scriptures require they do according to Mathew 18:15-17:

Go and show him his fault, just between the two of you.
If he will not listen, take one or two others along.
If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church.
If he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

The condition of American-Christianity would be much better if more ministers of the Gospel held those in Scriptural error more accountable. I also believe it the duty of the scribes of our times to be more respectful of the truth- regardless of their personal agendas.
Thank God for the brave men who would speak the truth face-to-face rather than publicly defame the integrity of another. I support the brave pastors who stood for the vast majority of Christendom who agree with their theology.

I thank The Dispatch for the unwarranted coverage of the event and their obvious attempt to defame two brave Christian pastors. I just wanted to be sure that I did not receive credit for something someone else had done.

I know, I know. I’m not very nice.

Let’s stop apologizing to the Devil!

Order the CDs here.

Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach.

© 2007 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Lord Will Do It

A reporter for the Western Australian wrote this account of the revival amongst the Aboriginal People

A religious revival among Aboriginal people in the remote Northwest town of Nullagine - once labelled the arrest capital of Australia has drastically reduced the number of arrests and jailings. Police in Nulllagine, 184 km north of Newman (Western Australia), claim drunken domestic scenes which once dogged the community have virtially disappeared and the residents seem happier and healthier. Three Christian Aboriginal leaders were the key to revival, Empowered with a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, they began regular meetings and prayer events every day. The results were powerful. Some gatherings went on for eight hours as people shared in song, testimony, prayer and Bible reading. The effect was felt in the whole community.

The only sufferer is the local pub, the Conglomerate Hotel, which once kept six staff busy. The lessee went into receivership after the town's lOO-150 Aboriginal people turned to Christianity. Since then, the Aboriginal community has reduced the number of arrests to just a handful of men and there have been no jailings. They gave up alcohol and labelled the hotel, 'the Devil's place'.

Instead of going to the bar each night to drink, they sit happily in circles under the stars, pray and sing gospel songs at the Yarrangkaji community on the outskirts of town. They are eager to share their new-found love of God and talk about the positive changes they have made to their lives.

Gary Marshall, who leased the hotel and adjoining shop for 22 years, said the arrival of religion spelt disaster for his business, but he did not hold it against the Aboriginal people. "I couldn't sit here and say it was a bad thing," he said. "If they are better off, then it's a wonderful thing."

Senior Constable, Mal Kay, the officer in charge at Nuiligane, said the drop in crime could be explained in part by the fact that the population dropped every time big groups from the community left town to attend religious meetings around Pilbara and Northam. Most arrests in the past have been assaults and woundings stemming from alcohol.

Mother-of-two, Lisa Daibin used to be a weekly visitor to the Nullagine police lockup for assault, anti-social behaviour or just to sober up. The 26 year-old would spend her pension on alcohol, get jealous over her man and find herself in punch-ups with women who were her friends when she was sober. That was before she found Christianity and gave up her drinking last November. "We pray and sing every morning and every night," she said. 'We have church meetings every Wednesday and Saturday."

Miss Dalbin has worked off her fines through community work, picking up rubbish and working in a kitchen. Her favourite drink used to be port and she freely admits it made her act mad. She does not miss it. She is happier, has money in her pocket to go shopping and takes better care of her sons, aged five and eight. now she is sober. She is even studying to get her driver's licence, a privilege which seemed out of reach to her a few months ago. The only time she sees the police is when they stop her to say hello in the street.

Her cousin, Philip Bennell, 39, who spent much of his youth behind bars because of alcohol related strife, has also been sober for about four months. "God is my master now, not grog," he says. "Alcohol is a killer for anybody, but especially for Aboriginal people. I was one of the worst blokes and have spent years of my life in and out of prison. I had two feet in the grave and what I was doing was adding a final nail in the coffin," he adds. "When I found the Lord I gave it all away. I didn't want to die a young bloke."

Philip says that the footpath outside the Conglomerate Hotel has been a site of many arguments and brawls, but now the community hold prayer meetings across the road. If they ventured into the pub, it was only to get a cool drink. "There used to be a lot of tough drinkers at the reserve," he says. "They gave it away because they found a bit of peace and a better way of life"

Aboriginal leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit are leading the revival. These leaders would like to see the revival reaching the wider Kartiya (non-Aboriginal) society. But for these shy desert people to reach out in these days of the struggle for reconciliation will only be by the hand of God.

Source: The Western Australian Renewal Journal #11: Discipleship.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Cash Cows

On the news today it is reported that dairy company giant Fonterra, are to raise quite considerably, the price of butter and just when I had decided to no longer buy yoghurt because of the over-inflated prices in the shops. I have been used to buying two 6-packs of yoghurt and now can only buy one 6-pack for the same price. So, in this butter/yoghurt-less home I am hoping that someone will devise a simple way for me to apply olive oil instead to my morning toast and lunchtime sandwiches. A brush perhaps but one that doesn't require hot water rinsing after every use maybe? A life without butter might pose a problem when it comes to baking day but I'm convinced, it's the banana cakes loaded with butter causing my hanging midriff in these latter years of my life. It's maybe the right time to ditch the cake baking traditions especially since the food police have made us feel guilty, have taken away the pleasure even, to indulge in foods with sugar or butter anyway. Still, there's the time-honoured milk bottle, I am already taking sideways glances at it. If I can do without that bottle in the fridge too, I stand to recoup heaps of cash, much like someone does when they ply hundreds into Lotto for years without a win and then when they finally stop buying them they find they are winning at the bank balance. Ah ye, it's a great day when you stop being a slave to things that are not profitable to you :)

Friday, September 07, 2007

Nothing much Admiral, Philips k9...

makes you think...

A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small Texas town.

From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family.

The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.

As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche.

My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey.

But the stranger...he was our storyteller.

He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies.

If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future!

He took my family to the first major league ball game.

He made me laugh, and he made me cry.

The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.

Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet.
(I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.)

Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honor them.

Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home... Not from us, our
friends or any visitors.

Our longtime visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush.

My Dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol.

But the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis.

He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly and pipes distinguished.

He talked freely (much too freely!) about sex.

His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing.

I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger.

Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked... And NEVER asked to leave.

More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. Still, if you could walk into my parents' den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures.

His name?...

. . .
We just call him, "TV."
* *Note: This should be required reading for every household!**

He has a wife now....

We call her "Computer."

Their children are called, MP3, iPod, X-box, Play Station and Gameboy.

-Author unknown

Friday, August 24, 2007

And He Will Refine You

-Author Unknown.

Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they
wondered what this statement meant about the character and
nature of God.

One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver
and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an
appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything
about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the
process of refining Silver.

As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the
fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one
needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames
were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot;
then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a
refiner and purifier of silver." She asked the silversmith if it was
true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the
silver was being refined.

The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding
the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire
time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in
the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith,
"How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"

He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy -- when I see my
image in it."

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God
has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His
image in you.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bye Bye Fly Buys

N.B. Since posting this blog yesterday, I have had a message left by the Marketing Manager of Fly Buys that it was not their fault my favourite perfume was pulled from the Rewards list. I am hopeful that I will get my perfume in due time and thank Mr Lamers for contacting me through this Blog.
N.N.B An update, it is now 7 September and I thank Chris Lamers, Marketing Manager of Fly Buys, for I have received the long-awaited bottle of my favourite perfume. I will gladly continue to use my Fly Buys card in the future. Also, I must remember to not divulge too much information in future as I had made it 'public' on an MSN News Group the name of the perfume I was waiting to redeem with my Fly Buys points. Just maybe someone deliberately had my perfume 'removed' so that I couldn't get it??? I sure hope that wasn't the case...

Darn Fly Buys has gone and deleted my favourite perfume from their "Rewards" list, and just when I'd gained enough points to obtain a bottle!!! Not fair, not fair!!! I'd gone out of my way for an entire year to get the points, from petrol stations to supermarkets, have gone online and answered questions for Colmar Brunton for a few extra points to gain that gorgeous bottle of scent and told my boys, "soon I'll have my new perfume". Finally I have the numbers and went online at last to find it's no longer listed!!! But it was there a couple of weeks ago, I was looking @ it there!!! Now what? No perfume to be had and I sure aint gonna use my points on some other perfume cos I like my favourite one. And what will I do now with all those hard earned points, cos I don't need or want anything else in my home since deciding to go minimal this year. Oh well I guess it's good~bye to fly buys, and hello to freedom shopping.

Friday, June 15, 2007

A Bit of a Rort

The philosopher Richard Rorty died last week at the age of 75. His life was one of major impact and influence, his place in history is assured. Rorty questioned the very nature of identity, of truth and of knowledge, attempting to kill any basis for certainty. In short, he is held to have destroyed the notion of an objective reality and in so doing removed the basis for any sound intellectual thought.

Following in the wake of Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche as part of the post-modern movement, Rorty solidified the idea that we cannot know anything with certainty. Therefore, there is no purpose in searching for truth, since knowledge and identity are simply social constructions. If accepted the implications of Rorty's proposition are both profound and terrifying as he removed the grounds for truth.

Rorty also famously claimed that a person lost in a forest has no identity, as a person's identity can only exist in community. When people are isolated they lose themselves. Yet, the irony is that as community is emphasised, togetherness can be lost. As we lose our idea of self, we lose our concept of common humanity, of that which unites us, and instead we are segregated into our own little community. Consequently, our ability to have meaningful engagement with those from other communities is lost and group differences—rather than what we share in common as people—become what defines us.

Rorty left us a lonely world. The impact of his thinking can be seen in universities where debate rages over the status of ethnic science and maths, where cultural relativism is endorsed and universal knowledge denied. As academics struggle to find their feet again they flounder. Rorty's life shows that good intentions can destroy and that one man's ideas can have a tremendous impact over the course of his lifetime.

Copied from today's email "Real Issues" sent out weekly from

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And I'll Wear My Morning Pants

When my kids played up at school I'd threaten to go to their classroom and sit there all day long in my green stretch morning pants. They were the especially ugly but very comfy, tight-fitting, stretch honeycomb- patterned pants that I mosttimes threw on in the mornings, especially in winter. I'd watch their faces when I would say it and could well imagine the picture in their minds of me sitting there in their classrooms with their mates sniggering at their mum wearing the grotesque pants...well it was too much for them to imagine and I never got any more complaints from their teachers for a couple more months.
I was reminded of this recently when a friend passed away.
She was a wonderful lady with a beautiful heart. She just shone. She had a terrible life though, yet you wouldn't know it. When I met her mum I realised she was all that was wonderful about her mother. She told me once about having to drive her kids to school in the freezing cold of a winters morning. She had on her dressing gown and shoes and let off the kids at the gate. On her return trip home the car, always running on the $10 tank of gas, ran out of petrol on the busy bridge near her home. Typically of my friend, she just did what she had to do and got out and waved down some help from a passing motorist. I can just see her in my mind..smiling her most gorgeous smile, head and shoulders back and looking all the while the lady in her old worn dressing gown. God keep Eire close to You.

Everywhere a Nanny

Don't Let Super Nanny Usurp your Family

I have watched the 'nanny' programmes and wonder how many people choose to remain childless because of them. I have said it before and I'll say it again, parenting is for the fittest and the toughest and only God sees what you do in those unseen acts of love and discipline for your children. You will not go unrewarded.

From the Daily Mail...

Daily Mail UK 22nd May 2007
Child-rearing experts such as Supernanny and Gina Ford are damaging family life by undermining parents' authority in the home, it has been claimed. There was growing confusion among parents over how to bring up children because of the parenting advice 'industry', a leading sociologist warned. He said relying on techniques from the so-called experts could be destroying parents' confidence in their own child-rearing abilities, weakening their control over their offspring. Professor Frank Furedi also warned that the spread of the nanny state was adding to bewilderment among parents.

Professor Furedi, a sociologist at Kent University, was among academics to challenge increasing interference in family life at a twoday conference at the university. He claimed figures including TV Supernanny Jo Frost, whose discipline techniques include the 'naughty step', portrayed mothers and fathers as incompetent. He said: "They basically assume the high ground - 'I am the supernanny, unlike you, the incompetent, bumbling idiot'." But he warned that the wealth of advice available, from Miss Frost and others including the no-nonsense author Gina Ford, risked demoralising parents.

Professor Furedi, author of Paranoid Parenting and the Culture of Fear, went on to accuse Labour of politicising parenting!!!

Read more at..

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Remote Control of The Family

How to control adults by means of 'children's rights'.

By Lynette Burrows

This article is published by The Human Life Foundation, Inc. New York, in the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW, Vol. XXV, No. 2, Spring 1999, pages 65 - 73. The article is reproduced here with the kind consent of the author.
Lynette Burrows is a well-known English educator and journalist. Her latest book, The Fight for the Family, was published in 1998, revised and reprinted in March 1999 by the Family Education Trust, Family Publications, Oxford, England.

When you think about it, the fashionable crusade of 'children's rights' is bound to be anti-family. It is a movement which declares itself to be more interested in the welfare of children than are ordinary parents. It seeks rights and laws for children that neither they, nor their parents, want. It promises to give children legal sanctions against their parents and, in so doing, pits the interests of children against their parents. The inescapable implication is that children are not in safe hands with their own parents and that a whole movement has had to be called into being in order to protect them. It is an innocent-sounding piece of subliminal, anti-family propaganda, advertising the fact that parents are, at best, inadequate and, at worst, hostile to the needs of their children.
Analysing the 'loaded' message of the title 'children's rights' one can see it attempts to pack the punch of an appeal to both parental feeling and the nobility of action implied by the word 'rights'. It is utterly bogus! A 'right is classically defined as 'the freedom to act without interference, according to one's conscience.' It means nothing unless the individual has the capacity to act upon their 'right' and children, by nature of their immaturity and inexperience, do not have that capacity. So they have people who act for them, in the form of the people who created them and who love them more than anyone else. Those people, the adult parents, have a freedom to act according to their conscience, and within the law, with their children and it is that freedom that the children's rights activists seek to remove.
One can clearly map their intentions by what they have achieved so far and what they are signalling they want to do in the future. I don't know anything about the American scene but, in Great Britain, and several European countries, among their achievements has been securing the right of the state to allow under-age children to be given contraceptives and abortions without their parents' knowledge or consent. This remarkable right was not achieved via parliament, which still upholds an 'age of consent' at sixteen years. Still less was it achieved by pressure from either parents or children. It was as achieved by the active collaboration of the industry that sells contraceptives, the people who are employed in promoting their use, and the 'children's rights' lobby who claimed that, since children had now decided to be sexually active - there was nothing parents could do about it.
The right for children to 'divorce' unsatisfactory parents has also been secured for them by children's rights lawyers; working on the usual pay-rates but with the bill settled by the taxpayer. So far parents have not been given the right to divorce unsatisfactory children - but that is consistent with the philosophy of children's rights. It is parents who are failing in their duty to give children the freedom they need. Children, the client group, are not to be criticised or restricted in any way.
Children have also been given the right to take themselves out of the care of their parents and put themselves instead, into the misnamed 'care' of the local authority. Just what this can mean was illustrated by a mother, Mrs Iverson, whose14 year old daughter went to live with a 33 year old drug-dealer from Jamaica. She appealed to the local authority to get her daughter back and they responded by getting a social worker to take the child to a contraceptive clinic. The anguished mother could do nothing whilst her daughter was first introduced to a life of prostitution and then, a month later, murdered. No-one in authority was criticised or prosecuted for their lack of action since they, and the police, were prevented from denying the child her 'right' to free association, by the Children Act, 1989.
Thus, one can see by their aims and achievements, that the right to behave badly is second only to the right to premature sexual activity, according to the children's rights agenda. Furtherance of this aim was massively enhanced by the successful campaign of one of the earliest children's rights groups to get corporal punishment, of even the mildest kind, outlawed in schools. An unwary parliament passed this law by one vote, against a background of generally unproblematic discipline in schools. Certainly primary schools were little havens of tranquillity and learning for children in even the roughest areas. All this has gone now; together with thousands of good teachers who have fled a profession where harassment of them is the norm rather than the exception in many areas.
Children have, in other words, been given an amazing collection of liberties to behave badly, with absolutely no enforceable obligations to behave themselves or even to observe the law. On the other hand, their misdeeds are providing masses of highly paid work for the now enormous lobby of professionals who are parasitic on the new options available to children and the problems they bring. Any attempt to improve the behaviour of young people, is bound to run into opposition from these professionals since they are defending a financial interest that is dependent upon more of the same.
Another peculiarity of the rights, sought by activists for children, is how extremely limited and arbitrary they are. If these really were rights that any child could legitimately be supposed to need or to want, they would surely start with the right of a child to be born and not to be killed before birth. But all children's rights activists support abortion in principle and in practice as if, in any circumstances, it could be considered in the unborn child's best interest.
Then again, any child should surely have a right to enjoy a relationship with both their mother and their father; rather than being created by artificial insemination for the benefit of a lesbian couple. In all the arguments about this still highly contentious practice, and its rather more relevant, related topic, the ability of homosexuals to foster and adopt children, the children's rights people have been 'out to lunch'.
Another major area where a serious question of children's rights are involved, is surely the right of children not to be bullied at school. Parents protest about it all the time, but little has been done to address their concerns because parents do not belong to well-funded organisations with direct access to the media. 70% of parents were found last year to want corporal punishment restored in school; and so too did 68% of schoolchildren.
The reason for this is, no doubt, because many children are in fact receiving punishment that is decidedly 'corporal' in school - but from bullying thugs rather than from lawful authority. The rights activists don't address this subject because they are so busy monitoring schools for signs of homophobia, sexism or racism that they seem to have overlooked the much larger number of children who are simply terrified of the big boys.
Other areas deserving attention from those who could support parents in wanting the best for their children, would be having a flexible school leaving age and having the right to do work outside of school hours. Even more important, amongst the list of glaring omissions in the children's rights agenda, is the care and protection of children who have been taken into council care.
The Social Services Inspectorate presented a report last year that pointed out just how badly children 'in care' are doing. Despite there being only 0.5% of children in local authority care, 22% of young men in prison and 39% of prisoners under 21 have been in care. One third of people sleeping rough in London have been in care and one quarter of children in care aged 14 or over, don't go to school regularly. For some reason, referred to in the report but not explained, many of those who abscond from children's homes, somehow disappear from local authority records thereafter.
When this report came out, there was much public discussion about this parlous state of affairs and many people commented on the lack of independent monitoring to safeguard vulnerable children. None that I saw, even thought to question the complete lack of involvement or interest in this scandal by the many, high-profile, publicly funded, children's rights organisations. There are many areas of pressing need in relation to disadvantaged children, where parents with the best will in the world, simply have no power to get things done. Well-funded organisations with premises, facilities, telephones, full time staff and, above all, access to the media, could do so much of real value if they wanted to; but our current crop do not. So, one has to ask, what do they really want?
The answer to this must be that it is something ideological as well as something financial. The financial objective is fairly straight-foreward. It has provided a good many jobs and the children's rights activists have certainly found themselves a career. My book, The Fight for the Family, (a second edition of which came out in March) started life as a commissioned chapter in a book about social affairs. I was given a researcher (American) and told to find out about the principle children's rights groups; who formed them, who supported them and who paid for them.
Once we began, we found a scene so entirely different from what we had expected, that we became seriously interested and what had started out as a fairly hum-drum piece of research turned into a fascinating lesson in the modus operandi of pressure groups. It also ballooned into a small book.
For a start we discovered that all the principle groups concerned with this characteristically liberal/left version of children's rights, groups were founded or co-founded by one man, and his domestic 'partner', mostly as limited companies. Their friends and colleagues over the years were spread amongst child care charities and government committees and one, or both, turned up on the boards of all eight of the principal organisations promoting their version of 'children's rights'. Their ideological orientation explained why the narrow agenda they pursued in every case was so similar. It also explained why the basic assumption was always that children needed to be 'liberated' from their parents care and control. Not having chosen to get married themselves, despite having children, it is fair to say that they have some rooted objection to marriage as an institution or, at least, believe that it is not important.
These groups have played an important part in promoting all the rights referred to above relating to premature sexual activity and behaving badly. One of the organisations was exclusively devoted to securing the abolition of corporal punishment in schools and, that having been achieved, its funds were transferred to another organisation, End Physical Punishment of Children, (EPOCH) which is the principle driving force behind attempts to get parental smacking of children criminalised.
The part of my book which really enraged rights activists, however, was not the discussion of their ideological bent, which they did not seem to dispute. It was the fact that attention was drawn to the similarity of their aims to those of the paedophile organisations of the 1970's, which were prosecuted and suppressed in 1980.
As a matter of fact, the similarities are striking and, whilst I was not claiming that children's rights activists were all paedophiles, it is nevertheless evident that their campaigns have been useful to those who want greater sexual access to children. 'Unwitting' was the word I used to describe the direct help given to paedophiles by the de facto abolition of the age of consent for girls in the matter of providing them with contraceptives at school. Now it is proposed to apply the same age of consent law to boys for homosexual activity, we will no doubt see its de facto abolition too.
However, it was after the book was sold out that the response to the publishers began to make another aspect of 'children's rights' clear. It was always obvious that the welfare of children was very low on most of the activists' agenda. Otherwise they would have been doing honest research to discover whether the freedoms advocated by them for children, were actually beneficial. They would also have been much more interested in whether breaking up families was the best response to anything but clear law-breaking on the part of parents, not to mention whether local authority care was better for children than a normal, even strict, home.
Now, like a voice from beyond the grave, we suddenly heard that Sweden had, at long last, developed a protest movement against the things that were being done to them in the name of children's rights. I don't know if it is the same in America, but here and in Europe, Sweden has always been held up as a paragon of 'progressive' innovation. It is referred to in reverential tones by liberals everywhere and children's rights activists place particular emphasis on the beneficial effects of their 1979 law which forbade parents to smack their children. According to their literature, no parents have ever been imprisoned or otherwise penalised for having laid a hand on their children and there is no cause for concern anywhere.
Well, it isn't true! An organisation of academics, lawyers, doctors and other professionals have formed 'The Nordic Committee for Human Rights', which is principally concerned with human rights abuses in Sweden, the most powerful and influential of the Nordic nations. They have a website ( where you can read all about it in English. They point out several crucial, historical factors. Notably that the Nazi's copied a good deal of their social policy from the Swedes; particularly that part of it which saw children as belonging to 'the parental state' rather than to its parents. The family too was viewed with dislike since it encouraged thoughts and actions that were not prescribed by the state.
Unmarried mothers had their babies automatically taken away from them and an organisation called 'Save the Children' was begun during the 1930's in Sweden, which was, contrary to expectation, profoundly anti-family. What children had to be 'saved' from, were the imperfections of their natural parents and the oppressive and un-enlightened atmosphere of a normal family. That has a familiar ring to it, doesn't it?
They were also very enamoured of eugenics and the idea of a perfect racial type. Unbeknown to the rest of the world, the Swedish government pursued a policy of forced sterilisation of children it thought came from poor stock, until 1976. What a surprise for liberals everywhere when the fact came out, only last year, that more than 60,000 children had, in that way, been cleansed of their ability to procreate .
Few people had any idea that the Swedish government had the power to maintain such secrecy when it also had a relatively free press. One can hazard a guess that the truth only emerged finally because a couple of sad individuals, who had been deprived of their birthright by being sterilised when they were children in care, sued the government for compensation for what was done for them. Victims have now been promised the princely sum of £7,000 apiece.
The Nordic Committee, under its energetic and fearless chairman Ruby Harrold-Claesson, has at last broken open many of the other half-truths that the Swedish authorities are still putting about. She is a lawyer - incidentally, the only black one in Sweden - and has dredged up a lot of the figures relating to the seizure of children by the authorities. These are difficult to obtain because they are not recorded in the normal, criminal courts. Hence the ability of the children's rights people to claim that there have been no prosecutions under the 1979 law. Children are taken away under the auspices of an administrative court which, in the public interest, of course, keeps the figures safely out of reach of most people.
To give you an idea of the scale of the tyranny over the family, it is necessary to describe the context. Sweden has a population of eight million; it is also extremely homogenous as to race and no people in Europe are more clearly identifiable by their appearance alone. It has virtually no poverty, wall to wall welfare and no large cities. The capital city has a population of less than two million and the second city has one hundred and fifty thousand people. There should be, in fact, very few cases where children need to be taken from their parents. Yet, in 1981 the authorities seized 22,000 children; which represents a rate of seizure 86 times greater than that of West Germany. An equivalent figure for America would be, by that reckoning, more than 687 thousand - in one year!
No doubt the authorities had such a field day because of the number of children who had been smacked by their parents before the 1979 Act came in. The figure fell somewhat after that but, in 1995, it was 14,700 children removed from their homes. That is a rate 57 times that of Germany and, in American terms, would be nearly 500 thousand children. A mind-boggling number for the rest of the world to contemplate and a clear explanation why so few people in Sweden either get married or have children.
Yet why is this so little known? From time to time there is brief publicity of the abuses of Sweden, before liberals return to their uncritical admiration of it. Unfortunately for the oppressed everywhere, the liberal/left always treasures its heroes - even when they are murderous tyrants - so it will take some time, and a lot of repetition, for the truth to rise to the surface.
Another stalwart of the Nordic Committee, Siv Westerberg, has taken eight cases to the Court of Human rights at Strasborg, and has won seven times. The Readers Digest featured one of her cases in 1993. It involved three children who were abducted by the authorities whilst they were at school. They were sent to separate families 600 miles away and it took the parents 5 months even to find out where they were. No specific reason was ever given for why they had been taken; just that it was in their 'best interest'. It took seven years before the parents were able to get their case to the European Court, which found in their favour. The parents were awarded £33,000 compensation and the Swedish authorities were told to return the children to their parents. The eldest, who was then 17, was allowed home but the other two were not. This is the system that we are being asked to admire and follow!
By a striking coincidence, on the very day the organisation that published my book held a conference to discuss its findings, the BBC asked to do an interview with me about the smacking debate. Since I was tied up with the conference, they decided to interview me in a side room during the lunch break and, accordingly sent an interviewer and crew. I took the opportunity to introduce them to Ruby Harrold-Claesson, who was one of the principle speakers at the conference and she gave them a brief run-down of what she was saying about Sweden.
The team looked uncomfortable and, when I suggested that they include an interview with her to beef-up the debate, they said they already had been to Sweden and would be including an account of things there, as part of the programme.
When we watched the programme a few days later, sure enough, there they were in Sweden interviewing a handful of schoolchildren who confirmed that their parents were not allowed to smack them. They then asked a senior official about whether many children had been taken from their families as a result of the anti-smacking law. Laughing uproariously, she waved her hand around her, 'Can you see many children being taken?' she said. And that was supposed to be a sufficient answer.
After this, the missing brick fell into place! The question was always, why are the children's rights people so concerned to make the parental right to smack their children illegal? Most of their organisations have been more or less devoted to the subject despite the fact that 90% of good and caring parents say that it is necessary at times. Now the answer is clear.
It is a device which places most parents in the power of social workers. They are, by training and tradition, marxist, feminist, and anti-religious. They don't much care for the family and lend their weight on every possible occasion to arguments and devices that show it in a bad light. In this country, they are still opposed to the inclusion, in official statistics, of figures which show the precise nature of the relationship of abusers to the children they abuse. At present, they are simply called 'fathers', even though they are seldom genetic fathers and, even more seldom, genetic fathers actually married to the mother of their children. The traditional family is still the safest place for any child to be - but you would not know it from official literature on the subject.
Thus, anybody who wanted to further a marxist, feminist agenda, could not do better than to have most families in thrall to social workers. The right to browbeat parents because they smack their children when they think it necessary, as the Bible tells them they must, would be all an officious bureaucracy needed to infantalise the majority of adults. It is not about the elevation of children's rights at all. It is about the crushing of adult ones.
It is a particularly crafty bandwagon to set on the road because it has drawn support from so many unpleasant but powerful allies. Contraceptive-selling commerce has welcomed and supported them; paedophiles love them; and as for those government employees engaged in the job of directing, but not curbing, the rising tide of young people in trouble - they simply could not do without them.
Baby-snatching, as it has always been called, is almost bound to be due for a make-over in the years to come. There has been in increase in infertility amongst the young that would be considered alarming if we were not still so fixated with the idea of over-population; plus the fact that the 'wrong' sort of people are still having babies, particularly out of wedlock. This rise must be due, at least in part, to the powerful steroids being given to young girls to ensure their continuance as sexually active people. Also because of the extraordinary increase in the sexually transmitted diseases which cause barrenness in women and sterility in men.
Evils have a habit of happening one upon the other and it is an ironic observation made by the Nordic Committee for Human rights, that one of the reasons it is so easy to find foster-carers for the thousands of 'snatched' children in Sweden, is a political one. Successive social policy makers have scorned the role of wife and mother for many years. A woman loses all child benefits if she refuses to place her children in a crèche and she would feel very vulnerable to having them taken away too. Unless of course she had a very well-paid job to do there - looking after other people's stolen children.
It is incongruous, isn't it? To build your home on the ruins of someone else's. No wonder Scandinavian dramatists at the turn of the century were always so gloomy; they must have sensed what was coming.

The Fight For The Family:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lest We Forget

Men and women have fought and continue to fight for freedom and truth, the freedom and truth that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. I copied the following from an email received in 2005, I want to keep it here as a reminder to us that some things are worth fighting for...

"What is Truth?" the famed Roman procurator cynically asked rhetorically. Few of us have the will to raise the question ourselves. And yet a moment's consideration quickly reveals that truth is our most precious treasure to be coveted. Truth is the key to success, fulfillment, victory, or achieving any worthwhile goal. The pursuit of truth is our greatest challenge in every one of our endeavors.

This "fabulous century" has ushered in astonishing changes in the realms of technology and yet, strangely, it has also probed new depths of darkness with devastating wars and monstrous new weapons, yielding the bloodiest, most revolutionary, most unpredictable century of any in history. Perhaps most fearsome of all, it has also ushered in a wholesale abandonment of truth. In any cultural war, truth is the first casualty.

Early in this century, many "intellectuals" in our society became enamored with the doctrines of Freudianism, the materialism of Feurbach, the nihilism of Nietzsche, the dialectic of Hegel, the communism of Marx, along with Behaviorism, Socialism, Existentialism ("do your own thing"), Rationalism, Fabianism, and Humanism. David Breese's book, Seven Men Who Rule the World From the Grave, highlights the impacts of Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, George Wellhausen, Sigmund Freud, John Maynard Keynes, Soren Kierkegaard and, of course, John Dewey. Through the teachings of John Dewey's humanism, his atheism, amorality, evolution, and one-world socialism permeated our educational system and excluded from our textbooks the moral and Biblical teachings which had been the bedrock of our American culture.

A spiritually apathetic society hardly murmured when on June 25, 1962, citing no precedents, a "liberal" Supreme Court abolished prayer from the public schools (Engle vs. Vitale). One year later, on June 17, 1963, the Supreme Court abolished Bible reading from the schools (Abington vs. Schempp). This week marks the anniversary of those landmark decisions.

The Bible repeatedly portrays a rise in lies and deceit to be a characteristic of the last days (Daniel 8:25). The final world leader will exploit signs and lying wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9). He will be anticipated by doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1). After all, who is the god of this world? Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 4:4). What is his primary weapon? Deceit (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9).

The high principles that made America great have been lost. There no longer appears to be any connection between character and destiny. People claim that "morals have changed." God makes morals and He didn't change His mind. God hates wickedness.

The manifest contradictions of our present predicament result from so few persons today taking the time to evaluate the issues, agree with the true, and resist the false. Most are borne along by streams of influence managed by others inimical to their interests. Most of the assumptions that govern our society, our nation, and our families demand re-examination. The shock is that they all are false; most from deliberate deceit.

Yet, determining the nature of reality in our world is the cornerstone of our living. A man puts into practice tomorrow what he believes today. To believe in the wrong model of history or the wrong purpose of living can lead to grievous errors, great tragedies, and devastating consequences. The correct-true-view of man, God, and history is the key to sanity, survival, and fulfillment for each of us.

Where do you find truth? If we search diligently we will eventually discover that the "truth" of the world consists of convictions of convenience and political correctness in its many forms. Pandered to us by those who would manipulate us to their own agenda, it proves fragile and crumbles when relied upon; hardly the stuff to build our lives upon.

One definition of truth is when the Word and Deed become one. The ultimate truth is the fulfillment of God's promises in His Messiah. God's Word had committed Him to provide what we need in His Son. Jesus was the fulfillment of that commitment.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Lord Is Not Slack In Warming The Globe

He doesn't want anyone going to Hell, He wants everyone in the world to repent of their sins, acknowledge them!
Jesus Christ overcame death and Hell to give us a wonderful hope-filled NEW LIFE (Rom 6:4). He will be coming for the Believer's next time and in His Word The Bible you can read in 2 Peter 3,..."BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL COME AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT; IN THE WHICH THE HEAVENS SHALL PASS AWAY WITH A GREAT NOISE, AND THE ELEMENTS SHALL MELT WITH FERVENT HEAT, THE EARTH ALSO AND THE WORKS THAT ARE THEREIN SHALL BE BURNED UP... nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness...WOW, bring_ it_ on_Jesus, we have surely seen enough unrighteousness in New Zealand to know that, whatever You havn't built will surely come to nought and be torn down, exposed. 'To EVERY thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven...'(From the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3, in The Holy Bible)
Have a wonderful Easter weekend everyone and may you find true love in Jesus Christ who is alive for you.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Please Read This! -From the Family First Office today

7 More Good Reasons Why We Oppose Bradford’s Anti-Smacking Bill -

From the group that's "whipping up hysteria" according to Sue Bradford - because we're presenting the Facts!!

1. No decent research shows smack by a loving parent breeds violence
Otago University study 2006 – children who were smacked in a reasonable way had similar or slightly better outcomes in terms of aggression, substance abuse, adult convictions and school achievement than those who were not smacked at all.
Fergusson and Lynskey (Christchurch School of Medicine) – found no difference between no smacking and moderate physical punishment “ It is misleading to imply that occasional or mild physical punishment has long term adverse consequences”

2. UNICEF reports prove there is no link between smacking and child abuse
2003 UNICEF report on maltreatment deaths.
Of the five countries with the lowest child abuse death rates in the UNICEF report, four allow smacking !
Austria banned smacking in 1989 – is the 5th highest for child abuse death rates

2007 Report released last week : “the likelihood of a child being injured or killed is associated with poverty, single-parenthood, low maternal education, low maternal age at birth, poor housing, weak family ties, and parental drug or alcohol abuse.”
The safest country for children is Netherlands – hasn’t banned smacking . Of the 10 top countries, 6 haven’t banned smacking.

The 2006 CYF report “Children at Increased Risk of Death from Maltreatment and Strategies for Prevention”
identified the factors which signaled greater risk for children including poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence and family breakdown. Statistics also showed that children living in households with an adult unrelated to them were almost 50 times as likely to die of an inflicted injury as those living with two biological parents!

Example: Just one of the real causes - Substance Abuse
UNICEF report 2003 - Child welfare professionals – 80% said “substance abuse causes or contributes to at least half of all cases of child maltreatment”
85% of States in US report substance abuse and poverty leading problems in families reported for abuse
Substance abuse triples risk for child maltreatment

3. Sweden experience is a warning to us
Child abuse increased 489% in 13 years following ban - Assaults by kids against kids increased 672%
2000 Swedish Govt report – “we see no tendency to a decrease in bullying at school or in leisure time during the last 20 years”
Sweden’s Foster Care rate is double NZ’s – twice as many kids being removed from their families
European Crime and Safety Safety – UN, Euro Commission – published this month - Sweden has one of the worst assault and sexual violence rates in EU

Around one child a month dies at the hands of a parent or caregiver in New Zealand.  In Sweden, the average annual deaths attributable to child abuse for the past 30 years or so has been less than one every four years. - Document circulated on behalf of Barnadoes, Plunket, Save the Children, Children’s Commissioner and EPOCH last year
“The rate of child homicide & in Sweden is something like one every 4 years” - Sue Bradford on TVNZ’s Close Up 19 July 2006
•  “Dr Kiro says people need to realise since Sweden banned physical punishment in 1976, only four children died in the following 20 years”
Children’s Commissioner speaks out against culture of violence – Press Release - Dr Cindy Kiro - 03/11/2004

The Truth
Morgan Johansson, Swedish public health minister, said (2006)
"Every year, eight to ten, sometimes as many as twelve children die in Sweden due to violence. This has been true for several years,"

4. Polls
Averaged out, polls show that 80% of us want to keep the status quo. Politicians need to listen to the people.

5. Police won’t prosecute
Domestic Violence Policy currently being enforced by Police strongly encourages arrest at the time and denies Police Diversion except where authorised by the District Commander. Diversions are rarely given for domestic violence matters. The Police Association admitted today (21 Feb) that they will have to investigate any complaint.

As noted by Cabinet, anyone may bring a prosecution for breach of criminal law e.g. lobby group could bring private prosecution against smack or removal to ‘time out’ – not determined by Police

6. Are the Greens serious about stopping child abuse?
2003: P (Methamphetamine) reclassified as a Class A drug – only the Greens opposed
2006: Opposed an increase to the Drinking Age
2005: Intentional Possession of Child Pornography (the worst of child abuse) –Only the Greens opposed the maximum penalty being 5 years – wanted it lower at 2 years
2007: Want to decriminalise Marijuana

7. Smacking isn’t violence – it’s correction
Children are already protected from violence and assault through the Crimes Act
Smacking is in harmony with nature – pain teaches e.g a child teases a dog, they get a dog bite – a child touches the hot element, they get burnt – they take their hands off the handles of the bike – they crash!
Does this teach a child to be a violent person? NO!
A Reasonable smack from loving parent is great teaching tool