Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Crave Te Kaikoura

A Bloggin MinuteThe blessings of having fisherman friends is especial when they bring you fish fresh from the ocean and last night we were given some cooked crayfish. I was hogging into one to break my fast this morning and in walks sonshine and tells me that what I am eating is s--t, I said no, it is just the gravy and he said it is s--t and I am beginning to lose my appetite, tis just as well the tail is long gone into my tummy so I place what is left of my koura's hardbelly into a plastic bag and tightly do it up and into the bin it went, I hope the weather isn't too hot between now and next rubbish day...back inside son is tucking in to the last x3 crays and discarding the bodies. They're back in the fridge where they'll be eaten, in private, later.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Wearing Down

I have noticed with the recent trend among the mostly liberal members of parliament here in New Zealand, a 'wearing down' of what we have considered good and upright people serving in important places in our social services departments. I include here our police force and anything else where Joe or Josephine Public has to go for help, for guidance, for an anchor, someone to look up to when you havn't got anyone to trust. Now, I have not always been a follower of Jesus Christ and so I have not always had Him as my built-in anchor, but I know that when the crap hits the fan we need the right people to look to, good solid upright citizens. Well, I mean no offence to anyone but the police have a current member who is upfront in a terrible heavy metal band that exudes violence from every pore and speaker, is this comfort for the needy?...and then there is Georgina, formerly George? Beyer, who the Labour Party lauds as the worlds first- transgendered -Member of Parliament, and now is the Chairperson of the Government's Social Services Committee. I don't doubt for a moment that she/ he is capable of doing that job as chair, however, as an anchor for so many of our people who are hitting the gutters big time, absolutely not. We need very straight people right now in every helping agency, kids can see right through the wishy-washy hairy-fairyness of these liberal's who delight in wearing down our right to righteous government.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

An Aging Potato Masher

I've been around long enough to see many sizes and varieties of spud/potato/murphy, whatever you want to call em, and I've found them all different upon cooking/tasting. Some are tasteless, some have eyes that wern't there when first placed in the pot and some, well some just deserve a darn good mashing! So over the years I have variously mashed with a stainless steel masher, some with holes in em and some had aWlook to them but now I use a plastic one and it's a wee beaut, well so I thought. But after all these years of presuming I had acquired a nack with the spudata's mashings my son tells me his friend's mum makes the most delicious mashed potatoes and she uses lots of butter, milk and finishes her mashing with a good fork whip-around! I was hurt, I was, I just said, quietly to sonshine, Well, I have mashed many a spud in my days and I used to use the fork, the dollops of butter and much cream as well as milk in them but, now I am an aging potato masher, doing the mashings well past my prime and so, if you want that type of mash then do it yourself....oh no mum, said he, they're still edible and that's good enough for me.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

..Oh And That's Lady Cadaver Over There..

On display in New York are some real bodies in various stages of decompose and I wonder, who would give permission to have people ogling them in that state? Would you? It is bad enough seeing mumified men, women and children in museums, hardly the final and private resting place an Egyptian had in mind surely...oh well if it will help people give up smoking when they see the totally yuck cancer-ridden cadaver in the exhibition then it will have served it's purpose.
I did look @ the picture of one exhibit in sporting pose and thought, well that will never be me cos I don't do sport.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Get Back Onto That Treadmill!

My worst fears came upon me @ the gym yesterday...a lady climbed aboard the treadmill beside me and proceeded to press those buttons and I saw out the corner of my eye that she was walkin mighty fast and then I realised she was trying to alter the speed, she was going 7.7 k's by this time and still walking-as-fast-as-her-legs-could-walk-her... next minute her arms were flailling all over the place and before I could turn my machine off to help her she had hit the tread and was plonked onto the carpet with her hands out-stretched onto the mill...I stopped her machine and asked her if she was okay and she replied, 'yes, I'm fine" and promptly got on again, just as as one is told to do when their horse has bucked them off, and away she went as if nothing had happened. I was more perplexed and have decided I will attend the gym @ 6:00am in future when older ladies are still tucked up in bed in their nighties :)