Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tis The Season To Be Jolly Glad

that God sent His only Son to earth to live and die and be risen to life again on behalf of all of us and all of our sins. The greatest gift anyone could ever receive and a real good reason to be jolly glad and very joyful aye? So, just pray to Jesus and the Holy Spirit that You want Him to be Lord and Saviour of your life and turn from your sinful ways. Might be difficult at first but with the difficulty keep prayin to Him and He will provide a peaceful way out for you. God bless you as you do it :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

This aint my home I's just a passin thru, thank God




By Cliff Kincaid

December 19, 2008

Before Newsweek created a controversy with its laughably absurd cover story that the Bible supports homosexual marriage, lame duck President George W. Bush declared in an interview with Cynthia McFadden of ABC News that he doesn’t believe the Bible to be the literal word of God. So Adam and Eve could just as easily be Adam and Steve? We needed a follow-up from McFadden.

Bush spoke with conviction during the interview about how Jesus Christ has changed his life while McFadden played “gotcha” journalism on the subject of evolution, which has nothing to do with his record as president. What should be addressed is one of his precious few “legacies”—that of promoting the acceptance of homosexuality—which some conservatives do not want to admit or address. It is a record that Barack Obama will build and expand upon.

Bush would prefer to call it “compassionate conservatism,” but there is nothing compassionate about wasting taxpayer dollars promoting a “lifestyle” that spreads disease and death.

Consider the “International Medal of Peace” that Bush was given on December 1, World AIDS Day, by Pastor Rick Warren. One of the many problems with such an award, which sounds humanitarian, is that while it was designed to honor Bush for spending billions of our tax dollars to fight AIDS, it diverts attention from what has become an extremely corrupt, pork-laden and wasteful program. By any rational analysis, it is not “compassionate” to misspend taxpayer dollars that the taxpayers can’t afford to spend or waste. The United Nations still doesn’t even know how many people have AIDS in Africa, which is where Bush has spent most of our tax dollars.

In one of the latest examples of this scandal, Senator Tom Coburn has highlighted how 116 U.S. federal employees joined 22,000 people attending this year’s International AIDS Conference in Mexico City. According to Coburn, the event was supposed to feature a “Sex Workers Mini Film Festival” and a session led by a pro-prostitution group that bragged of bringing in “lots of tourist dollars” for Thailand. Another workshop was titled, “Good Catholics Use Condoms.” The only story I could find about this mess was written by Amanda Carpenter of the conservative website.

Even if the AIDS money were being spent legitimately, it would still be objectionable. The FAIR Foundation exists because of the inequities in disease research spending by the federal government and notes that AIDS gets far more money than 16 diseases that kill a million more Americans than AIDS annually. More than $200 billion in federal money has been spent on AIDS here and abroad since the virus was discovered. No cure or vaccine has been found, but the money keeps flowing because a moneyed special interest group, based in Hollywood, the media, and the homosexual community, demands it.

Washington Post property Newsweek, which acts like an official organ of the homosexual rights movement, a year ago ran an interview with Michael Guest, one of several open homosexuals appointed by Bush to various posts. Guest was given the position of U.S. Ambassador to Romania. During Guest’s swearing-in ceremony, it was reported that then-Secretary of State Colin Powell made a point to recognize Guest’s “partner.” In 2006, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice swore in another openly homosexual Bush appointee, Mark Dybul, to be the global AIDS coordinator, and acknowledged his “partner.” First Lady Laura Bush looked on with approval.

Guest later quit, saying that the State Department was not sufficiently pro-homosexual, and is now an adviser to the Council for Global Equality, which is pressuring the Bush Administration to endorse a pro-gay rights statement being considered this week by the United Nations General Assembly. The group is demanding that Secretary of State Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Zalmay Khalilzad, and Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Brian Hook approve the resolution.

Don’t expect to see any critical coverage of this effort by the national media. Even the “conservative” Fox News was a sponsor of this year’s National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA). Other sponsors were CBS, CNN, ESPN, Gannett, Hearst Newspapers, NBC Universal, the McClatchy Company, the Washington Post, and Bloomberg.

And you thought that Fox News and NBC were rivals? Not on the matter of cozying up to the gays. They’re strange bedfellows on the matter of gay rights. This crowd considers criticism of homosexuality a hate crime.

Indeed, the website has run a bizarre story on how “journalists and activist groups” are blasting the Vatican for its “grotesque” opposition to the pro-gay rights statement being considered by the U.N. Fox News ran photos of the anti-Vatican protests, highlighting a lesbian wearing a noose to signify her treatment by Christians.

Americans who support traditional marriage are not threatening anyone. They are just trying to preserve traditional values. As we saw recently with the homosexual rampage in California, following approval of the pro-traditional marriage Proposition 8, Christians should be fearful. A 69-year-old woman carrying a Styrofoam cross had it ripped out of her hands and stomped on by “gay” activists. White powder, designed to make people think it contains the deadly anthrax bacteria, has been sent to Mormon temples and offices to protest the fact that members of the church supported Proposition 8.

The real threat comes from the militant homosexuals, their media allies, and President-elect Barack Obama, a double-talker on the subject who claims he opposes gay marriage but opposed Proposition 8.

In regard to Newsweek’s ridiculous cover story, “The Religious Case for Gay Marriage,” a leading Bible authority, Professor Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, has written at length about how Newsweek author Lisa Miller distorted the bible and deceived her readers. It is interesting to note that, at about the same time this sorry excuse for a cover story was being distributed, Newsweek announced more job cuts. It cut more than one hundred jobs in the Spring.


In a major article posted one day before the national election, Gagnon went beyond the issue of media bias to write ominously about “Obama’s Coming War on Historic Christianity over Homosexual Practice and Abortion.” He said the record indicates that, in the area of free speech rights, Obama and/or his appointees to federal agencies will seek to enact “severe restrictions” against alleged “homophobic” utterances. Those who violate these new rules and regulations will “incur financial penalties and loss of license,” he warned. Such a scheme could be the forerunner to the re-imposition of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” on broadcasters.

But wait. Aren’t we being told by liberal and conservative columnists and commentators that Obama is coming across as “moderate?”

As we have argued in the past, especially in regard to the handling of the financial crisis, Obama looks like a “moderate” only because Bush has moved so far to the left. That’s also true in regard to promotion of homosexuality. Bush did not support homosexual marriage, but he promoted the homosexual agenda in many other ways, earning sympathetic press releases from the “gay” Log Cabin Republicans. Their heroes are Republicans such as California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who believes Proposition 8, the pro-traditional marriage amendment which the majority of people in the state voted for on November 4, is unconstitutional.

Under pressure, alleged Republican homosexual Senator Larry Craig will be gone when the new Senate convenes next year, but the problem will remain. Alan Stang’s incendiary book, Not Holier Than Thou, will be an eye-opening experience for those unfamiliar with the significant number of homosexuals in official Republican ranks. He names names.

For those who say none of this is relevant and that it doesn’t impact public policy, Stang points to the ongoing scandal on the other side of the aisle, involving Democratic Party Rep. Barney Frank. You may recall that he hired a “hot bottom” out of the Washington (Gay) Blade and then let him use his apartment as the base of a homosexual prostitution ring. Frank also tried to fix his parking tickets. Frank was reprimanded for this conduct by the House of Representatives, but the Democrats have lower standards than Republicans and did not expel or force him out of Congress.

Frank found a new “partner” or “lover,” Herb Moses, who became assistant director for product initiatives at Fannie Mae while Frank was on the House Banking Committee, which had jurisdiction over Fannie. In this case, Bill Sammon of Fox News did the necessary digging, noting the obvious conflict of interest. He reported, “Although Frank now blames Republicans for the failure of Fannie and Freddie, he spent years blocking GOP lawmakers from imposing tougher regulations on the mortgage giants. In 1991, the year Moses was hired by Fannie, the Boston Globe reported that Frank pushed the agency to loosen regulations on mortgages for two- and three-family homes, even though they were defaulting at twice and five times the rate of single homes, respectively.”

Doesn’t it seem newsworthy that a Congressman who received campaign donations from Fannie was romantically involved with a Fannie executive?

But in the famous October 2 interview with Frank over his role in the mortgage crisis, Bill O’Reilly of Fox News never once brought up the subject. It’s probably because Frank would have brought up O’Reilly’s own sex scandal. The Fox News personality settled with a former employee who charged him with sexual harassment.

To take the story one step further, it turns out the Freddie Mac Foundation has given more than $125,000 to gay-activist groups since 2005, while the Fannie Mae Foundation has donated about $80,000 to such groups over the last decade.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth has documented how the media have a deliberate policy of not reporting anything that puts homosexuals in a bad light. The group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays says this is due to the efforts of NLGJA, which “boasts over 1,300 journalists embedded in the nation’s leading newspapers, television and radio stations, and new media” and which has announced that it is monitoring the “new generation of journalists” to make sure they toe the line.

These are the people who give Bush “credit” for wasting money on AIDS and will portray Obama’s expanded pro-homosexual and anti-Christian agenda as one of tolerance and diversity.

It’s no wonder “mainstream” media outlets like Newsweek are losing readers and jobs. They deserve to go economically bankrupt because they have demonstrated they are morally bankrupt.

© 2008 Cliff Kincaid - All Rights Reserved

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Good Will Warning



By Marsha West

December 19, 2008

Recently we learned that President Bush, an evangelical Christian, doesn’t take the Bible literally. During an interview ABC’s Cynthia McFadden asked him if the Bible is literally true and he replied “probably not.” He said he does believe you can learn a lot from the Bible, “but I do think that the New Testament for example is ... has got ... You know, the important lesson is 'God sent a son.’” [1] Important lesson? No, Mr. President, the New Testament contains Good News…and “the important lesson” is not that “God sent a son” it’s the reason He sent His Son. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

The president certainly knew that his words would be heard by millions of people, yet this professing Christian stopped short of explaining the Good News of the Gospel. President Bush’s answer was a huge let down for true Christians.

Another quote from the president:

"It is hard for me to justify or prove the mystery of the Almighty in my life," he said. "All I can just tell you is that I got back into religion and I quit drinking shortly thereafter and I asked for help. ... I was a one-step program guy."

Our president obviously lacks a clear understanding of Christianity. Sadly, he admitted that he’s not a literalist. Translated this means he doesn’t believe in the authority of Scripture. In other words, he takes the Bible cafeteria style. And he’s not alone! Today many professing Christians don’t hold to the authority of the Bible, and like Bush they pick and choose what they like and ignore what doesn’t make sense to them or seems offensive. One example of this is the doctrine of hell. Many Christians choose to reject the idea that a good and loving God would send those who deny Jesus Christ to eternal damnation. A literalist believes He will do just that. Literalists hold that all Scripture is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. The Apostle Paul called the scriptures “God-breathed.” Simply put: God spoke into the minds of the writers.

“Our authority is not our own,” Albert Mohler reminds us. “We are called to the task of preaching the Bible, in season and out of season. We are rightly to divide the Word of truth, and to teach the infinite riches of the Word of God. There are no certainties without the authority of the Scripture. We have nothing but commas and question marks to offer if we lose confidence in the inerrant and infallible Word of God. There are no thunderbolts where the Word of God is subverted, mistrusted, or ignored.” [2]

In an effort to promote same-sex “marriage,” “Newsweek” went after conservative Christianity in a big way when Lisa Miller attempted to make “the religious case for same-sex marriage.” [3] “Newsweek,” it seems, has taken the “progressive” view of homosexuality. "Biblical literalists will disagree,” said Miller, “but the Bible is a living document, powerful for more than 2,000 years because its truths speak to us even as we change through history."

She’s right. Biblical literalists disagreed -- vehemently. Tony Perkins of the conservative Family Research Council said in a recent Washington Update:

“Newsweek magazine effectively declared war on marriage this week, running a long essay on "The Religious Case for Gay Marriage" as their cover story. In the wake of the victory of California's marriage amendment (Proposition 8) on Election Day, homosexual marriage advocates realize that their opponents are not going to fade away or compromise their convictions. Not content any longer to make a "separation of church and state" argument for same-sex "marriage," they are instead mounting a direct attack on Christian opposition to homosexual conduct and to same-sex "marriage" on biblical grounds.”

The tone of the “Newsweek” essay was arrogant and condescending. Lisa Miller presumes to know what Christians think and feel. She went so far as to say that some followers of Jesus operate out of prejudice. She even tried to make the case that Christians oppose same-sex “marriage” because they’re uncomfortable with same gender sex which is simply not true. Christians oppose same-sex “marriage” because the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sexual perversion.

Perkins went on to say:

“The article included blatant factual errors, such as the claim that Jesus never "explicitly defines marriage as between one man and one woman" (see, e.g., Mark 10:6-8-"But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh."), and the claim that "nowhere in the Bible do its authors refer to sex between women" (see Romans 1:26). It also had logical contradictions, arguing for the Bible's support of "gay marriage" while simultaneously dismissing the Bible as supportive of slavery and anti-Semitism.” [4]

Romans 1:26 says, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.”

“For the record,” said Chuck Colson, “nowhere in the Bible is homosexual activity praised or advocated. The only mentions of it condemn the practice, some calling it an abomination. On the other hand, the Bible has plenty to say about the marriage of one man to one woman. Take a look at God’s commands in the garden, or Christ’s words on leaving and cleaving and becoming one flesh, or look at Paul’s instructions specifically for “husbands” and “wives” in Ephesians 5.” [5]

A well-known evangelical “shifting” on same-sex “marriage” is Richard Cizik. The chickens have come home to roost for Cizik. On Dec. 12 he resigned as vice president for governmental affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals, an organization that claims to represent 45,000 churches. His resignation came after protests over a Dec. 2 interview on National Public Radio's "Fresh Air" show with Terry Gross. Cizik told Gross that he voted for pro-abortion Barack Obama in the Virginia primary and “suggested that Christians should not be afraid to vote for candidates who support abortion and same-sex "marriage." He also admitted on that broadcast that he was "shifting" on the issue of marriage and that he supports homosexual civil unions.”

Emergent Church leader Tony Jones recently came out in support of same-sex “marriage.” In my article, “Tony Jones’ Continuous Leftward Slide Into Apostasy” I took him to task for making the announcement that practicing homosexuals can be Christians. Among other things, I pointed out that his “opinion” does not line up with what Scripture teaches on homosexuality. Sadly, in his zeal to promote same-sex “marriage,” Tony neglected to mention that same gender sex has HUGE health risks! (More on this later.) Since Christians are to strive to be like Christ the obvious question is can a practicing homosexual who engages in risky deviant behavior be like Christ? I await Tony’s answer on this.


Another theological liberal, Tony Campolo, claims he doesn’t support same-sex “marriage” yet in his book “Red Letter Christians” he says otherwise. So what gives? (To find out, read Joseph Farah’s article “Campolo on same-sex marriage.”) Does Tony Campolo really oppose same-sex “marriage”?:

"Allow me to suggest a way out of this conflict and the difficult questions being raised these days about whether our country should approve of homosexual marriages," he writes. "I propose that the government should get out of the business of marrying people and, instead, only give legal status to civil unions. The government should do this for both gay couples and straight couples, and leave marriage in the hands of the Church and other religious entities. That's the way it works in Holland: If a couple wants to be united in the eyes of the law, whether gay or straight, they go down to city hall and legally register, securing all the rights and privileges a couple has under Dutch law. Then, if the couple wants their relationship blessed – to be married – they go to a church, synagogue or other house of worship.

"Marriage should be viewed as an institution ordained by God and should be out of the control of the state. Of course, homosexual couples could go to churches that welcome and affirm gay marriage and get their unions blessed there, but isn't that the way it should be in a nation that guarantees people the right to promotion religion according to their personal convictions?"

Sorry, Tony, but this is not what the Bible teaches. What it does teach is, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." (Lev. 18:22)

Campolo’s wife, Peggy, who is an activist involved in homosexual causes, said, “We both believe that homosexual orientations are not chosen any more than heterosexual orientations are chosen.” There’s not a shred of scientific evidence to support her claim, still it’s what she and her husband choose to believe, in spite of what the Bible teaches. Peggy thinks, “homosexuals are entitled to the same rights and privileges I claim for myself, including being able to marry legally and in the sight of the church...”

Tony and Peggy go around the country debating homosexuality. Tony defends his view of what the Bible teaches, Peggy defends homosexuals. (Read one debate here…footnote [7])

Without getting too far afield, Peggy tells of her personal experiences with “gays” she’s known. What she wants is for the church to love and accept homosexuals just as they are. Tony wants that too. Peggy’s words tug on your heart strings! But this well-meaning woman never once warns the audience of the inherent risks in same gender sex! She has harsh words for the Christian community, yet she fails to mention the pain HIV-AIDS causes its victims and their families and friends, or the medical cost to society. No mention of drug resistant MRSA, the virulent staph that’s infecting the “gay” community, either. Also on the rise is gay bowel disease, but no warning from the Campolos.

Why would they want to withhold this kind of important information from the public? People deserve to know the truth! But progressives are mute.

Since we live in a free country liberals have the right to say whatever they want to about Christianity. Moreover, they’re free to demonize Christians and criticize them for having what they perceive as Stone Age moral values. Progressives have the freedom to make bogus claims in regards to what the Bible does and does not teach on a whole host of subjects, including homosexuality. And they have a perfect right to promote tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. But do they have the right to lie about and try to silence those who disagree with them? This is exactly what liberals, who claim to be loving and tolerant, are doing. After the passage of Proposition 8, the ballot measure that banned same-sex “marriage” in California, here’s how they reacted:

“[It] stirred the ire of gay activists like little else,” noted Chuck Colson. “Besides thuggish vandalism of church property, that anger is being translated into mockery of the faith community.”

“Nowhere do we see it more clearly than the viral video, “Proposition 8: The Musical,” created by “Hairspray” composer Marc Shaiman, which has now been seen by 2 million people online. In it the religious characters sing, “It's time to spread some hate/ And put it in the constitution.”

“The short video is full of distortions, and even lies. As radio commentator Dennis Prager of the Hoover Institution puts it, “Hatred based on ignorance is known as bigotry.” [8]

Progressives are out to knock Christianity off its orthodox foundation that’s based on absolute truth and are trying to rebuild it on a foundation of moral relativism, where truth is unknowable. You heard what Lisa Miller said about the Bible being a “living document.” Well the same has been said of the U.S. Constitution! In 2000 Al Gore said if elected he promised to appoint judges "who understand that our Constitution is a living and breathing document," and who understand that "it was intended by our founders to be interpreted in the light of the constantly evolving experience of the American people."

The question people of faith need to ask is did God intend for the Bible to be a living and breathing document that should be interpreted in the light of the constantly evolving experience of moral relativists?


Another question people of faith need to ask themselves is what would happen in terms of group marriage, incestuous marriage, and polygamy if same-sex “marriage” becomes legal? What else are we opening up the doors to? And if you think this kind of thing will never happen, think again. For years radical “gay” activists, public school teachers, and the Hollywood elite have been indoctrinating kids to believe that the homosexual, bisexual, and other sexually deviant behaviors are the moral equivalent of biblical heterosexuality. What’s next on their agenda!

Something people of faith need to ask themselves about same-sex “marriage” is does it help create a healthy society? We preach to our kids about good nutrition and exercise. We warn kids of the hazards of smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. We even try to protect them from secondhand smoke, yet we say little or nothing about secondhand sex, which is more of a health risk than secondhand smoke!

Parents who love their kids limit their time on electronics, protect them from sexual predators, try to keep them from viewing unseemly TV programs and movies, and buckle them into car seats. Many teachers scare students with all the hype about so-called dangers of global warming and then get them fretting over polar bear extinction. What kids should be fretting over is the risks inherent in anal sex because more and more of them are engaging in this perversion!

Anal sex isn’t the only area parents and teachers fall short. Young girls are not being told that lesbians have higher rates of alcohol and drug use, especially among young lesbians, plus poor nutrition and obesity. Thus there’s an increased risk of breast, ovarian, endometrial, and other cancers. Girls need to be informed of health risks! Telling the truth is loving, not hateful!

Sadly, I have yet to hear words of warning from the lips of neo-evangelicals who proudly promote same-sex “marriage.” They pat themselves on the back for not sitting in judgment of anyone and spout the Left’s mantra that the Church must become tolerant and inclusive. While these phonies are preaching acceptance of every perversion imaginable, Christ’s lambs are being led over a cliff by these moral degenerate wolves!

The truth is, neo-evangelicals are feeding the wolves and starving the sheep! Sound harsh? Jesus was even harsher. He called the religious leaders “hypocrites.” He also called them a “generation of vipers.” He told them that God had been right about them when he said, “This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Jesus loved people but he condemned the religious leaders as the blind leading the blind, calling them “whitewashed tombs containing dead men’s bones.”

Paul wrote in Phil. 3:16-17 “Let us walk by the same rule let us be of the same mind. Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern.” The New Testament was not in circulation so Paul used himself and the other apostles as examples to follow. They were servants of God. They were not worried about their reputations -- and they certainly didn’t care if they were politically correct! Their purpose was to spread the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and to challenge anyone who taught a false gospel.

Christianity is under assault! God’s people must forget about their reputations and start defending the faith! Should followers of Christ do less than Paul, who warned the Church to, “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation!” (Phil. 3:2). Paul was talking about false teachers!

It’s astonishing how masses of professing Christians will sit idly by and allow a small number of liberals to change the face of Christianity. In this article I provided a few examples of this -- but they’re just the tip of the iceberg. Lisa Miller’s hack job article for “Newsweek” is the most recent attempt, but rest assured plenty more like it will soon follow. By running the article “Newsweek” has put forth its agenda to normalize same-sex “marriage.” But in order to accomplish this, Christianity must be redefined so that it blends into a culture where happiness and pleasure, not truth, are of primary importance.

“Newsweek” is a secular magazine. But until recently Richard Cizik was a representative of the largest evangelical organization of in the country! Where does he get off speaking for evangelicals, when his views on same-sex “marriage” and abortion don’t represent the organization’s view? And what gives emergent church guru Tony Jones the right to declare that homosexuality is compatible with Christianity when the Bible says it’s not? Who are Tony and Peggy Campolo to bash historic orthodox Christianity because they feel the need to placate sinful behavior?

As for President Bush, not long ago he shocked conservative Christians when he said he believes Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Clearly, he doesn’t grasp one of the essentials of the Christian faith: The Trinity. True Christians hold that God exists as a unity of three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each person is divine and there is only one God. Muslims reject the Trinity. They hold that Jesus Christ is not God, he was a prophet. Since the Christian God is Trinitarian, anyone who believes that Christians and Muslims pray to the same God is dead wrong.

Serious Christians are to:

“have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11).


“ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3-4).

And remember:

“there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed” (2 Peter 2:1-2).

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wasted Youth

More young New Zealand youth have gone to jail, this time for killing a little girl, Nia Glassie. They are all victim's of New Zealand's slack attitude and failure to protect the heart's and mind's of our most vulnerable. From conception you can be sucked out with a suction machine and if you are one of the chosen generation you might get to be born into a house where your mum prostitutes in the same bedroom you sleep in, she shoots- up drugs using needles supplied by governmnent agencies, dad is 'out of it' on home distilled gin or whiskey or just literally out of it, away in another country...all totally legal in New Zealand. Then there's your bro's and bro-like sister's who are 2nd or 3rd generation out-of-it's and they too have some terrible pastimes too. When you wake up and when you go to bed/school/kohanga reo, there's killing and cursing and beating and robbing and maiming on the life-like sized television screens and there's more of it on free-to-air government TV stations when you can't buy it, and sex between two men or two women if that's what you're into or accepting as norm...The Green Party, Labour, Progressives, National, Act parties, and well all the pollies think it's all good, well they must do, none of them ever puts a stop to it! The young men who have just gone to jail look just like my own sons. Young, athletic, and with so much potential. My heart goes out to them because if they'd had a better start in life, loved in a good Christian home or been brought up religiously in say a muslim country, they wouldn't have killed Nia would they....
People who had the power to make a difference to the moral fiber of our country didn't and people who will now have the power to change hopefully will.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

In Man They Trust

Thank's to Fox for this report. I've added a comment at the end of this article.

'Why Believe in a God?' Ad Campaign Launches on D.C. Buses

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. — You better watch out. There is a new combatant in the Christmas wars.

Ads proclaiming, "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake," will appear on Washington, D.C., buses starting next week and running through December. The American Humanist Association unveiled the provocative $40,000 holiday ad campaign Tuesday.

In lifting lyrics from "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," the Washington-based group is wading into what has become a perennial debate over commercialism, religion in the public square and the meaning of Christmas.

"We are trying to reach our audience, and sometimes in order to reach an audience, everybody has to hear you," said Fred Edwords, spokesman for the humanist group. "Our reason for doing it during the holidays is there are an awful lot of agnostics, atheists and other types of non-theists who feel a little alone during the holidays because of its association with traditional religion."

To that end, the ads and posters will include a link to a Web site that will seek to connect and organize like-minded thinkers in the D.C. area, Edwords said.

Edwords said the purpose isn't to argue that God doesn't exist or change minds about a deity, although "we are trying to plant a seed of rational thought and critical thinking and questioning in people's minds."

The group defines humanism as "a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism, affirms our responsibility to lead ethical lives of value to self and humanity."

Last month, the British Humanist Association caused a ruckus announcing a similar campaign on London buses with the message: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

In Washington, the humanists' campaign comes as conservative Christian groups gear up their efforts to keep Christ in Christmas. In the past five years, groups such as the American Family Association and the Catholic League have criticized or threatened boycotts of retailers who use generic "holiday" greetings.

In mid-October, the American Family Association started selling buttons that say "It's OK to say Merry Christmas." The humanists' entry into the marketplace of ideas did not impress AFA president Tim Wildmon.

"It's a stupid ad," he said. "How do we define 'good' if we don't believe in God? God in his word, the Bible, tells us what's good and bad and right and wrong. If we are each ourselves defining what's good, it's going to be a crazy world."

Also on Tuesday, the Orlando, Fla.-based Liberty Counsel, a conservative Christian legal group, launched its sixth annual "Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign." Liberty Counsel has intervened in disputes over nativity scenes and government bans on Christmas decorations, among other things.

"It's the ultimate grinch to say there is no God at a time when millions of people around the world celebrate the birth of Christ," said Mathew Staver, the group's chairman and dean of the Liberty University School of Law. "Certainly, they have the right to believe what they want but this is insulting."

Best-selling books by authors such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens have fueled interest in "the new atheism" — a more in-your-face argument against God's existence.

Yet few Americans describe themselves as atheist or agnostic; a Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life poll from earlier this year found 92 percent of Americans believe in God.

There was no debate at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority over whether to take the ad. Spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said the agency accepts ads that aren't obscene or pornographic.

Click here for a video report from

Anyone who uses the GOOD word should consider where it comes from. It is from GOD who is the only one worthy to be called 'GOOD', for ONLY GOD IS GOOD. Read Matthew 19:17 in The Bible.
Maybe the churches should put up some proclamations on buses too.
Some declaring:



"'ONLY GOD IS GOOD. (The reason we sinners need the Savior now!)' MATHEW 19:17.

"ON THE COIN OF AN ATHEIST STATE: 'IN MAN WE TRUST'" ( a large coin with those words on it would be an eye catcher)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Radio Rhema

A blessing of 30 years on air in New Zealand is Christian Radio Rhema. Thanks be to people on a mission beginning with Dick Berry, who didn't cave in when some didn't believe God would see it to fruition but then other's also believed in His provision and the rest is history, 30 good years of it. Thank you Lord, please protect the stations from those who would seek to get it off air or the message of your Gospel watered down.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Palin Significance

United States of America have voted for a new President and it's neat he's a black man and I say that only because of the slave and discriminatory history black people suffered there. But if Barack Obama is truly a child of God, he knows God doesn't care about the colour of his skin.
It was sad Sarah Palin's day to shine as Vice President hasn't come yet but I think she will shine on anywhere and all the time. She is a breath of fresh air woman and copped heaps of flack for being a lady significantly comfortable in skirts, high heels and lipstick and not knowing her geography! That is so cool in this day of hairy legs, butch haircuts, intelligentsias and the like...
I can't wait to vote here tomorrow. I cannot vote for any party but a Christian Party and so will be voting for the Family Party. I want change Lord, please.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Son of Hamas Leader Now Christ's Child

This from Fox News. A big thanks to them :)

Son of Hamas Leader Turns Back on Islam and Embraces Christianity

Tuesday , August 12, 2008
By Jonathan Hunt

Mosab Hassan Yousef is an extraordinary young man with an extraordinary story. He was born the son of one of the most influential leaders of the militant Hamas organization in the West Bank and grew up in a strict Islamic family.

Now, at 30 years old, he attends an evangelical Christian church, Barabbas Road in San Diego, Calif. He renounced his Muslim faith, left his family behind in Ramallah and is seeking asylum in the United States.

The story of how his life unfolded is truly amazing, whether you agree or disagree with his views. Below is a transcript on an exclusive FOX News interview with Hassan as he tells firsthand how a West Bank Muslim became a West Coast Christian.

• Click here to view video of Mosab Hassan Yousef speaking out.

• Click here to view video 'Renouncing Islam.'

JONATHAN HUNT: Why, after 25 years, did you change?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: I believe that all those walls that Islam built for the last 1,400 years are not existing (sic) anymore. They don't recognize this. They built those walls and made people ignorant because they're afraid. They didn't want people to discuss anything about the reality of Islam, about the big questions of Islam and they asked their followers, the Muslims, 'Don't ask about those certain questions.'

But now, people have media. If the father closes the door for his daughter not to leave the house, she's going to go behind her computer and travel the world. So people easily can get information, knowledge, searching (sic) engines, so it's very, very available for everybody to study about Islam, about other religions. Not from the Islam point of view, but from other points of view.

So for the next 25 years this is for sure going to make huge change in the Muslim and the Arab world.

JONATHAN HUNT: You speak from a unique perspective, a man who grew up not just in an Islamic family but as part of an organization seen by many people around the world as an extreme force in Islam: Hamas. What is the reality of Islam? You say people don't see the reality; What is the reality of Islam?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: There are two facts that Muslims don't understand ... I'd say about more than 95 percent of Muslims don't understand their own religion. It came with a much stronger language than the language that they speak so they don't understand it ... they rely only on religious people to get their knowledge about this religion.

Second, they don't understand anything about other religions. Christian communities live between Muslims and they're minority and they (would) rather not to go speak out and tell people about Jesus because it's dangerous for them.

So, all their ideas about other religions on earth are from Islamic perspectives. So those two realities, most people don't understand.

If people, if Muslims, start to understand their religion — first of all, their religion — and see how awful stuff is in there, they'll start to figure out, this can't (be) ... because most religious people focus on certain points of Islam. They have many points that they are very embarrassed to talk about.


MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Such as Muhammad's wives. You will never go to a mosque and hear about anyone talking about Muhammad's wives, which is like more than 50 wives — and nobody knows (this), by the way. If you ask the majority of Muslims, they will not know this fact.

So they're embarrassed to talk about this, but they talk about the glory of Islam, they talk about the victory, the victories that Muhammad made. So, when people just like look at themselves and see they're defeated, they have ignorance, they're not educated, they're not leading the world as they're expected to do. They’re think they want to get back to that victory by doing the same, what Muhammad did, but disregarding (sic) the timing. They forget that this happened 1,400 years ago and it's not going to happen again.

JONATHAN HUNT: Do they want to destroy Christianity?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Islam destroyed Christianity from the beginning and Muslims don't recognize that they stabbed Christianity (in) its heart when they said that Jesus wasn't killed on the cross. They think that they honor him in this way.

Basically, any Christians understand that this way, (but Muslims) tell Jesus, okay, we don't care, you didn't die for us. Someone sacrificed his life for you, (but) you tell him, okay, you didn't do it!

This is what Muslims are doing basically. But they don't understand that this is the most important part of Christianity: the cross!

So, they are ignorant, they don't know what they are doing and it explains what an evil idea it is behind this Islam.

JONATHAN HUNT: What specific event or events began to change your mind about Islam?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Since I was a child I started to ask very difficult questions, even my family was telling me all the time, 'You're a very difficult person and we were having trouble answering your questions. Why are you asking so many questions?' This was from the beginning, to be honest with you.

But I felt that everybody — and my father was a good example for me because he was a very honest, humble person, very nice to my mother, to us, and raised us on the principle of forgiveness, okay? I thought that everybody in Islam was like this.

When I was 18 years old, and I was arrested by the Israelis and was in an Israeli jail under the Israeli administration, Hamas had control of its members inside the jail and I saw their torture; (they were) torturing people in a very, very bad way.

JONATHAN HUNT: Hamas members torturing other Hamas members?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Hamas leaders! Hamas leaders that we see on TV now, and big leaders, responsible for torturing their own members. They didn't torture me, but that was a shock for me, to see them torturing people: putting needles under their nails, burning their bodies. And they killed lots of them.

JONATHAN HUNT: Why were they torturing people?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Because they suspected that they had relations with the Israelis and (were) co-operating with the Israeli occupation against Hamas ... So hundreds of people were victims for this, and I was a witness for about a year for this torture. So that was a huge change in my life. I started to open my (eyes), but, the point (is) that I got that there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. Good Muslims, such as my father, and bad Muslims, like those Hamas members in the jail torturing people.

So that was the beginning of opening my eyes wide.

JONATHAN HUNT: You talk about the good Muslims, like your father, yet you still now renounce the faith of your father. Could you have not been a good Muslim?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Now, here's the reality: after I studied Christianity — which I had a big misunderstanding about, because I studied about Christianity from Islam, which is, there is nothing true about Christianity when you study it from Islam, and that was the only source.

When I studied the Bible carefully verse by verse, I made sure that that was the book of God, the word of God for sure, so I started to see things in a different way, which was difficult for me, to say Islam is wrong.

Islam is my father. I grew up for (one) father — 22 years for that father — and another father came to me and told me, 'I'm sorry, I'm your father.' And I was like, 'What are you talking about? Like, I have my own father, and it's Islam!' And the father of Christianity told me, 'No, I'm your father. I was in jail, and this (Islam) is not your father.'

So basically this is what happened. It's not easy to believe this (Islam) is not your father anymore. So I had to study Islam again from a different point of view to figure out all the mistakes, the huge mistakes and its effects, not only on Muslims — (of) which I hated the values ... I didn't like all those traditions that make people's lives more difficult — but its effects also on humanity. On humanity! People killing each other (in) the name of God.

So definitely I started to figure out the problem is Islam, not the Muslims and those people — I can't hate them because God loved them from the beginning. And God doesn't create junk. God created good people that he loved, but they're sick, they have the wrong idea. I don't hate those people anymore but I feel very sorry for them and the only way for them to be changed (is) by knowing the word of God and the real way to him.

JONATHAN HUNT: Does it worry you that in saying these things — and given your background and your words carrying extra weight — there is a danger that you will increase the difficulties, the hatred between Christians and Muslims in the world right now?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: This could happen if a Christian person will go talk to them about the reality of Islam. They put Christians on the enemy list anyway, before you talk to them about Islam. So if you go to them and tell them, as a Christian, they will be offended immediately and they will hate you and this will definitely increase the vacuum between both religions — but what made someone like me change?

Years ago, years ago, when I was there, God opened my eyes, my mind also, and I became a completely different person. So now, I can do this duty, while you as Christians can help me do it, but maybe you wouldn't be able to. (Muslims) have no excuse now.

JONATHAN HUNT: How difficult a process has this been for you to effectively walk away from your family, leave your home behind? How difficult is that?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Taking your skin off your bones, that's what happened. I love my family, they love me. And my little brothers, they’re like my sons. I raised them. Basically, it was the biggest decision in my life.

I left everything behind me, not only family. When you decide to convert to Christianity or any other religion from Islam, it's not (enough) to just say goodbye and leave, you know? It's not like that. You're saying goodbye to culture, civilization, traditions, society, family, religion, God — what you thought was God for so many years! So it's not easy. It's very complicated. People think it's that easy, like it doesn't matter. Now I'm here in the U.S. and I got my freedom and it's great, but at the same time, nothing is like family, you know. To lose your family —

JONATHAN HUNT: Have you lost your family?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: My family is educated and it was very difficult for them. They asked me many times, especially for the first two days, to keep my faith to myself and not go to the media and announce it.

But for me it was a duty from God to announce his name and praise him (around) the world because my reward is going to be that he's going to do the same for me. So I did it, basically, as a duty. I (wonder) how many people can do what I can do today? I didn't find any.

So, I had to be strong about that. That was very challenging. That was the most difficult decision in my life and I didn't do it for fun. I didn't do it for anything from this world. I did it only for one reason: I believed in it. People are suffering every day because of wrong ideas. I can help them get out of this endless circle ... the track the devil (laid) for them.

JONATHAN HUNT: Have you spoken to your father recently?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: There is no chance to communicate with my father because he's in jail now and there is (sic) no phones in the jail to communicate with him.

JONATHAN HUNT: Have other members of your family told you how he's reacted?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: They've visited him from time to time. Till this moment, I don't know his reaction exactly but I'm sure he's very sad (over) a decision like this. But at the same time, he's going to understand, because he knows me and he knows that I don't make any decisions without (believing strongly in them).

JONATHAN HUNT: Is it making his life more difficult among fellow Hamas members?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Definitely. My family, including my father, had to carry this cross with me. It wasn't their choice. It was my choice, but they had to carry this cross with me and I ask God — I pray for (my father), all my brothers and my sisters here in this church, praying all the time for them — 'God, open their eyes, their minds, to come to Christ. And bless them because they had to carry this cross with me.'

JONATHAN HUNT: Tell me about Hamas and the way it works. Is Hamas a purely Islamic religious organization as you see it, and that's where, in your eyes, its faults lie, or are there other parts of it which are a problem for you? Or is Hamas a good organization? What is Hamas to you?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: If we talk about people, there are good people everywhere. Everywhere. I mean, good people that God created.

Do they do their own things? Yes, they do their own things. I know people who support Hamas but they never got involved in terrorist attacks, for example ... They follow Hamas because they love God and they think that Hamas represents God. They don’t have knowledge, they don't know the real God and they never studied Christianity. But Hamas, as representative for Islam, it's a big problem.

The problem is not Hamas, the problem is not people. The root of the problem is Islam itself as an idea, as an idea. And about Hamas as an organization, of course, the Hamas leadership, including my father, they're responsible; they're responsible for all the violence that happened from the organization. I know they describe it as reaction to Israeli aggression, but still, they are part of it and they had to make decisions in those operations against Israel, (for) which there was the killing of many civilians.

JONATHAN HUNT: Do you believe Israel blameless in the conflict?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Occupation is bad. I can't say Israel — I'm not against any nation. We can't say Israelis, we can't say Palestinians, we're talking about ideas. Israel has the right to defend itself, nobody can (argue) against this. But sometimes they use (too much) aggression against civilians. Sometimes many civilians were killed because those soldiers weren't responsible enough, how they treat people at the checkpoints.

My message even to the Israeli soldiers: at least treat people in a good way at the checkpoints. You don't have to look really bad and it's not about nations, it's about just wrong ideas on both sides and the only way for two nations really to get out of the endless circle is to know the principles that Jesus brought to this earth: grace, love, forgiveness. Without this, they will never be able to move on, or break this endless circle.

JONATHAN HUNT: You've seen your father jailed, you've been in prison yourself. You've seen Hamas carry out acts of terror against Israelis, and yet you say everybody needs to rise above that?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Definitely. This is the only choice. Nobody has magic power to do something for the Middle East. No one. You can ask any politician here in the U.S., you can ask any Palestinian politician or Arab politician, Israeli leaders; no one, no one can do anything. Even if they believe in peace now: they're part of the game.

They're part of the trick. They can't, even if you find a brave person, like Rabin, who was called by an Israeli to make peace with the Palestinians and give them a state, no one, even if you find a strong leader, they can't do this. You can't force an independent country to give another country independence. (Especially when) the other country wants to destroy it.

Everybody is hurt. Israeli soldiers, they lost their friends. Palestinians, they lost their children, their fathers. (There are) many people in prison still, and many people were killed. Thousands. So everybody will never forget this. If they want to keep looking to the past, they will never get out of this circle. The only way to start (is just by) moving on. They were born under the occupation as Palestinians.

The last two generations, it's not their choice. The new generations from Israel — if we say disregarding the existence of Israel is right or wrong, what's the guilt of those people who were born in Israel and they have no other country to go to? It's their country now, that's how they see it. And they are going to keep their resistance and defense against whomever. (They will) say, 'Get out of this land!' So the only way is for both nations to start to understand the grace, love and forgiveness of God, to be able to get out of this.

JONATHAN HUNT: Do you believe that Israel can ever strike a peace deal with Hamas?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: There is no chance. Is there any chance for fire to co-exist with the water? There is no chance. Hamas can play politics for 10 years, 15 years; but ask any one of Hamas' leaders, 'Okay, what's going to happen after that? Are you just going to live and co-exist with Israel forever?' The answer is going to be no ... unless they want to do something against the Koran. But it's their ideology and they can't just say 'We're not going to do it.' So there is no chance. It's not about Israel, it's not about Hamas: it's about both ideologies. There is no chance.

JONATHAN HUNT: Aren't you terrified that somebody is going to try to kill you for saying these things — which would be approved of according to parts of the Koran?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: They got to kill my ideas first, (and) that's it, they're already out. So how are they going to kill my idea? How are they going to kill the opinions that I have? ... They can kill my body, but they can't kill my soul.

JONATHAN HUNT: You're not afraid?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: As a human, you know, I can be very brave now, I'm not thinking about it at this moment and I feel that God is on my side. But if this will be the challenge, I ask God to give me enough strength.

JONATHAN HUNT: Have you been threatened?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: No, not really. Honestly, most Muslims and Muslim leaders here in the U.S. community, European communities, they are trying to get ahold of me. They are calling my famiily, my mother, and asking for my contacts. They are telling her, 'We want to help him.'

JONATHAN HUNT: They think you need help?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Yeah, they think that Christians took advantage of me, and this is completely wrong. I've been a Christian for a long time before they knew, or anyone knew. I love Jesus, I followed him for many years now. It wasn't a secret for most of the time, and this time I just did it to glorify the name of God and praise him.

They're not dealing with a regular Muslim. They know that I'm educated, they know that I studied, they know that I studied Islam and Christianity. When I made my decision, I didn't make it because someone did magic on me or convinced me. It was completely my decision.

JONATHAN HUNT: Do you miss Ramallah?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: Definitely. You've been there and you know how a wonderful country (it is). Very, very beautiful. It's a very small spot and it has everything — this is why people are fighting for that piece of land. I definitely miss Ramallah. Jereusalem. The Old City.

JONATHAN HUNT: Do you believe you will ever be able to go back?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: I think I belong to that land, and sooner or later I'm going to go back, no matter what. If they want to kill me, they (will) do whatever they want to do. I have a family there, they love me, they completely support me now with my decisions. Maybe they don't want me to talk to the media but they believe that I made a decision that I completely believe in. So they support me, so I love my family. I'm going to go back there again one day. I love my town.

JONATHAN HUNT: Do you think you'll ever go back to a Middle East living in peace?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: There will be a 100-person peace when Jesus comes back, when he judges everybody. His kingdom's going to be 1,000 years and it's going to be completely peaceful and it's going to be the kingdom of God.

JONATHAN HUNT: What is your basic message to any Muslim listening to this right now?

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF: My message to them is, first of all, to open their minds. They were born to Muslim families — this is how they got Islam and this is just like ... any other religion, like growing up (in) a Christian family, or growing up (in) a Jewish family.

So my point is that I want those people to open their eyes, their minds, to start to understand and imagine that they weren't born for a Muslim famiily. And use their minds.

Why did God give them minds? Open their hearts. Read the Bible. Study their religion. I want to open the gate for them, I want them to be free. They will find a good life on earth just by following God — and they're also going to guarantee the other life.

Sex Without Commitment Is Not Love

The saddest thing I heard recently was that Government caregivers are encouraging people with disabilities to use prostitutes to get some love in their lives! Governments will teach as part of school curriculum that sex does no harm but surely it does and someone pays in the end, the young women left holding the resulting babe, shot thru has the poor young man who was taught his sexual urges do no harm!, and of course you and me taxpayer for all the benefits and help agencies required. Someone's disabled here and it sure as hell isn't the physically disabled. had this to say in their eNews letter...

Home > eNews Article > Abstinence Programs Work Abstinence Programs Work from the September 02, 2008 eNews issue (visit our website for a FREE subscription) Two weeks ago, the world knew nothing of 17-year-old Bristol Palin. Now, because her mother is a U.S. Vice President hopeful, Bristol’s pregnancy is top news. Bristol has decided to keep the baby and marry the father, which pleases pro-life groups. Bristol's pre-marital pregnancy, however, has created a frenzy among those in the "safe sex" crowd. Her mother, Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin, supports abstinence education, and Bristol's situation is being touted as evidence that abstinence-only programs do not work. A majority of parents want their children to wait until marriage - or at least adulthood - before engaging in sexual activity. There is therefore heavy parental support for abstinence education in schools. Does it work, though? Are hormone-filled teens benefited by being told to wait, or are they destined to pregnancy and disease because they aren't taught about "safe sex?" Contrary to the claims of the comprehensive sex ed crowd, abstinence education does have positive results. While many abstinence-only students still do have sex, the numbers are noticeably less than those who did not go through abstinence training. Teaching Abstinence Works In April, 2008, the Heritage Foundation reported that 11 of 15 abstinence programs studied demonstrated significant results. For instance, the abstinence program Heritage Keepers reported, "One year after the program, 14.5 percent of Heritage Keepers students had become sexually active compared with 26.5 percent of the comparison group." Likewise, 9.2 percent of teen virgins who went through the Reasons of the Heart program reported having sex within the next year, as opposed to 16.4 of virgins who did not go through the program. Many abstinence programs offer students far more than a simple, "Don't do it." They teach teens how to withstand peer pressure and make wise life choices on many levels. Girls who went through the Best Friends program were reported to be nearly 6.5 less likely than those not in the program to engage in sexual activity. The program helped teens avoid more than sex alone, though. According to the report, "They were also 2.4 times more likely to abstain from smoking, 8.1 times more likely to abstain from illegal drug use, and 1.9 times more likely to abstain from alcohol." Success in Georgia In 2007, Georgia reported the amazing results of abstinence programs within the state. The teen pregnancy rate for ages 15-17 had dropped 46 percent in 11 years, from 68.3 per 1000 in 1994 to 36.8 per 1000 in 2005. In 1995, the Georgia Dept of Education mandated that abstinence be taught in public schools. Parents were also involved in committees to review sex education programs in each district and get abstinence programs in place. Teen pregnancy rates dropped every year after that. "There are so many pressures facing our nation's youth today," said Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss, "I think it is very important that we educate our young people about consequences and accountability, and encourage them to make the right decisions and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I believe abstinence education is a necessary investment in their future." According to the CDC, there is a general trend away from sexual promiscuity among American youth. The number of high school students having sex has declined 12 percent since 1991. The widespread teaching of abstinence through programs like "True Love Waits" in churches and youth groups may have contributed to the decline, even where abstinence is not promoted in the schools. Active abstinence education, however, offers better results than that general 12 percent. "Comprehensive" programs often fall short of good abstinence programs. They not only tell students the many logical reasons to hold off having sex, but also give teens tools to stick to their decision to wait. While comprehensive sex ed programs also promote abstinence, the focus on abstinence is minor compared to the focus on "safe sex." According to the Heritage Foundation, abstinence programs direct "71 percent of their page content to abstinence. In contrast, comprehensive sex ed curricula, on average, allocate only 4.7 percent of their content to abstinence; the overwhelming focus is on encouraging teens to use contraception." Some comprehensive sex ed programs can include material that is sexually explicit and offensive in order to promote the use of contraception. The Focus On Kids curriculum even encourages fantasizing, watching erotic movies or bathing together as activities to do instead of having sex. The U.S. government still spends 12 times more on so-called "comprehensive" sex education than on abstinence programs. It Starts At Home. Our efforts to prevent teens from giving in to temptation must begin at home. We need to teach our children how to make wise choices while they are still young. We need to help them learn to resist the desire for instant gratification and willingly wait for things that are better. They need to know their own self worth so they will be less likely to give in to peer pressure. Most importantly, we need to help them develop real, loving, personal relationships with Jesus Christ. If our children have a firm foundation in Christ they will be more likely to demonstrate self control when they become teenagers. Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. - 2 Timothy 2:22 Related Links: • Studies Show Abstinence Education Works - The Heritage Foundation • Facts About Abstinence Education - The Heritage Foundation • Abstinence Education Works in Georgia - NAEA • Bristol Palin: Proof That Abstinence-Only Education Doesn't Work - Philadelphia Daily News • Decrease In Teens Having Sex, Increase In Condom Use, CDC Study Finds - Medical News Today

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Don't Levee Me

Out of your heart will flow rivers of living waters of your love for Christ.
I heard recently that the Olympic Games competitors were compelled to sign a contract agreeing not to mention their God or their faith when interviewed during the games. When a born-again believer lives her or his life for Jesus, one cannot help but give all the glory for every event in life to their God. One cannot help it, it is what happens, it is expected and Jesus said it would be so in the Bible. Wellspring/overflow/giving utterance, are just some words describing what happens.
So shutting down what a Christian would do in glorifying the Creator is to put a person in chains and muzzled, definitely a form of imprisonment and not at all democratic is it?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Getting the Drop on some Kindling

When the food police are not watching I munch through a pie or two and enjoy quite a few bottles of my favourite tipple, Ginger Ale each week too. I have noticed that the quite a few extra kilos I am carrying round have made winter warmer for me. I know this because all the skinny people are cold, all the time.
Today I was wielding a small tomahawk at some container wood lengths but it was useless, then I remembered what my mum used to do but because she was skinny us kids used to do with her...and that was to put one end of the wood up on a step and the other resting on the ground and then we'd all jump on the middle of the wood and crack! the perfect length of kindling! Because I am the perfect weight for doing that task on my own, I tried to crack it with just one foot today, but not enough to crack it, so on I jump with both feet and crack! The very best sound on a frosty mountain morning.

Friday, June 06, 2008

If You Don't Tell Them How Will They Know?

Home > eNews Article > Islam Spreads In The West, Christianity In The MidEast
Islam Spreads in the West, Christianity in the MidEast

from the June 03, 2008 eNews issue (visit our website for a FREE subscription)
There are well over a billion Muslims in the world today, and the numbers keep growing. Islamic is not only prospering in Middle East countries, but in the West as well. Muslim neighborhoods have sprouted up across mainland Europe and the UK, as well as in the good old United States – parts of the world considered predominantly Christian.

Should Christians be concerned? Certainly. Christians should be more concerned, perhaps, that too many Christian churches are weak and worldly and full of mushy, lifeless messages. If the Western Church were full of the Spirit of God and gushing life, there would be little to draw people to Islam.

Both Christianity and Islam, however, are missionary religions. Christian missionaries and evangelists spread the Good News that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and Muslims spread Islam. Yet, if people decide they want to leave Christianity, they are free to go. Jesus never chased people down and forced them to follow him. Judgment might await unbelievers, but believers do not pick up stones to hasten the journey. In fact, many Christians pray desperately for their loved ones who walk away from Christ, waiting with hope for the prodigal's safe return.

Leaving Islam, however, is not such an easy thing. Even in the West, Muslim young people resist telling their families they have converted to Christianity out of honest fear. And while Muslims are free to spread their faith in the West, Christians are not necessarily free to preach the Gospel to Muslims.


Four Algerian Christians have just received suspended jail sentences and fines for attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity. Under 2006 law, it is illegal for non-Muslims to attempt to convert Muslims. The Muslim government of Algeria denies harassing Christians, but over a dozen Christian churches have been closed in the past half year.


Muslim converts to Christianity have had their homes raided and have been imprisoned in a recent crackdown in Iran. Many Christian converts are held for weeks and are physically and psychologically mistreated. Huge bail amounts are required for their release, and they are threatened against spreading their faith or worshiping.

Yet, it may be the difficulty that makes Christianity so precious in traditionally Muslim countries. In the free West, we take the love of Christ for granted. In Iran, though, the underground Christian church is healthy and growing, much to the alarm of the Islamic authorities. Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller said the Iranian authorities, "are recognizing that there's a mushrooming house church movement going on in Iran. (It's) doubling in size of the indigenous house church movement there in Iran every six months. So the rate of growth is actually stunning."

Under current law in Iran, leaving Islam can be punishable by death, though no execution has been carried out in recent years. The home church growth in Iran has been enough, however, to get even the Iranian parliament upset. There was a proposal reportedly put out this January to make the death penalty mandatory for "apostates" who leave Islam.

Moeller said he believes there is "disillusionment with conservative clerics and harsh political hatred," in Iran, which he said "creates a tremendous opportunity for the love of Jesus Christ to make inroads into people's lives. People are searching for real spiritual answers, and they are finding it in Jesus Christ." Radio and satellite broadcasts of Christian messages in Farsi have been a tremendous evangelical tool.


While the Church is growing in Iran, though, the Muslim community has been spreading in England. In fact, it was reported Monday that two preachers handing out tracts were told to stop by a Muslim policeman. "You can't preach the Bible here," the officer said, "This is a Muslim area."

The officer went on to say that spreading the Gospel in a Muslim area was considered a hate crime. "You have been warned," the officer said. "If you come back here and get beat up, well, you have been warned."

The two preachers, one of them an Egyptian-born Muslim convert to Christianity, did not take the rebuff sitting down. Baptist Missionary Arthur Cunningham said, "I am dumfounded that the police seem so nonchalant. They seem content not to make it clear that what we were doing was perfectly legal. This is a free country and to suggest we were guilty of a hate crime for spreading God's word is outrageous."

An Idea

What is the answer to the spread of Islam in Britain? Anglican Paul Eddy is arguing that the Church of England should stop being so blasted wishy-washy.

Last week, Eddy proposed that the Anglican Church state very plainly that it believes Jesus Christ to be the only way to God, and stop watering down its faith. It should give its members tools for evangelizing Muslims and wisdom on helping Muslims converts to Christianity.

"For years, we have sent missionaries throughout the whole world, but when we have the privilege of people of all nations on our doorstep, we have a responsibility as the state church to share the gospel of Jesus Christ," said Eddy.

Islam is making its way in the West, but it would have far less success without dead Christianity. Dead Christianity is a vaccine that inoculates people against the real thing. True Christianity is full of life and health through the Spirit of God. Dead Christianity has few answers, and looks no different than any other religion on earth. Christ-centered Christianity is full of holy power that frees people and heals lives. The Christians of Iran have found what too many Western churches have lost - Jesus Christ. If we get him back in our churches, in our homes and our lives, we'll be leading the Muslims to him, rather than the other way around.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6
Related Links:

• Iran Launches Crackdown On Ex-Muslims - BosNewsLife News Center
• Anglican Church to Debate Convert Motion - BBC
• Church of England Advised Against Withholding Christ from Muslims - The Christian Post
• 'You Can't Preach the Bible Here, This is a Muslim Area': - This Is London
• Algerian Christians Sentenced For Converting Muslims - Reuters
• Strategic Trends: The Rise of Islam - Koinonia House
• The Sword of Allah - MP3 Download

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Colmar Brunton Source of Fly Buys

I try to remember to use my Fly Buys card when I shop and I do the online questionaire's I receive sporadically from Colmar Brunton, because they give me a few extra points for spending about 10 minutes, they say, to answer their questions. It is through Fly Buys that I can be extravagant and (Fly) 'buy' my expensive bottle of perfume that I make to last a year as it's about that long to save my points for the next bottle...So when I opened the Colmar Brunton email today their questions were to be about TOMATO SAUCE. Well I thought, I know a whole lot about tomato sauce having had five sons and each one of them has used it like it was chocolate sauce except they'd never use it on their icecream but use it on everything else they did, and I'd find it everywhere else too, from cushion covers to glued- fast to the inside of the refrigerator! I was getting tired of buying it cheap in cans and using the rubber spatula to get that last blob out and then switching to the cube packs but one squeeze of it by the lads and there it was again squirted all down the fridge wall... So, after 33 years of it, this year I declared, "NO MORE TOMATO SAUCE! And it has barely been missed which is a surprise to me.
I thought this questionaire would be an easy one and surely I could reduce the time spent on these questions down to say 7 minutes at least So click on the link and I'm away...first question a doddle, "Do you do all the weekly shopping?" Ticked "Yes!" 2nd simple, "Do you buy or use tomato sauce?" Ticked "No!" And then a new page up that declared, "YOU ARE NOT SUITABLE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS. END OF QUESTIONAIRE." But HEY!, What about my TEN POINTS!! Aw sheeesh, why didn't I quit buying the red sauce next year :/

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

"Were you given the Holy Spirit?"

"No!" they answered. "We have never even heard of the Holy Spirit."
"Then why were you baptised?" Paul asked....
The apostle Paul placed his hands on them. The Holy Spirit was given to them, and they spoke unknown languages and prophesied...PAUL SPOKE IN THE LECTURE HALL IN Tyrannus EVERY DAY FOR TWO YEARS, UNTIL EVERYONE IN ASIA HAD HEARD THE LORD'S MESSAGE.
God gave Paul the power to work great miracles.. all of the sick people were healed and evil spirits went out. Unbeliever's tried to force out evil spirits by using the name of the Lord Jesus..when an evil spirit said to them, "I know Jesus! And I have heard about Paul. But who are you?" Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on them and beat them up. They ran out of the house, naked and bruised...Everyone heard about this and were so frightened that they praised the name of the Lord Jesus. Many who were now followers started telling everyone about the evil things they had been doing. Some who had been practicing witchcraft brought their books to be burnt in public. These books were worth about fifty thousand silver coins.

From the Book of Acts, Chapter 19, The Bible.

Friday, March 21, 2008

"So What's It All About?" said the man I'd not seen for years. I told him it's about Jesus' death and resurrection, He did it for us, and all of our sins. The man said he'd never sinned and his words had no sooner left his mouth when he covered it and said, oops I just told a lie!. Everyone has sinned and fallen short somewhere and somehow but if you would simply believe what Jesus has done for you and repent, turn from your way of sin, you are forgiven, you have a new beginning as far as God is concerned. You will feel free even if the world still grips you and happy when so much horror is round about you.
Rejoice and celebrate this Easter what Jesus did for us and let us not forget that He conquered death and Hell for us and lives at The Father's right hand in Heaven praying for us, what a great Truth that is :)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Party Balloons, Party Hats, Party Games, Party Pills

The party used to be a whole lotta fun and games and laughter and still is no doubt, but with a new addition, the 'Party Pill', available in stores that are out to get your child thinking and accepting that they're better for you and safer than grog or other il/legal drugs. The Maori Party along with the Greens are in favour of them, I say in favour because they are not into banning them. Their excuses for their continued sale are as weak as the reason some buy and swallow them. What kinda party is so boring that you'd have to resort to pill taking anyway and what kinda Political Party would want to allow continued use of "PILL POPPING" for kicks? The world needs less self- gratification, and popping balloons is still lot's of fun.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

...and more

Use of ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ Too “Homophobic”, Scottish Nurses Told

By Gudrun Schultz

EDINBURGH, Scotland, February 16, 2007 ( - Nurses and other health care professionals should avoid using the terms ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ to refer to family relationships since the terms could be offensive to homosexual couples with children, a new directive published by Scotland’s National Health Service recommends.

Issued in conjunction with the country’s leading homosexual activist organization Stonewall Scotland, the publication is entitled Fair For All - The Wider Challenge: Good LGBT Practice in the NHS. Americans for Truth reported Feb.11 on the publication’s release.

The booklet calls for a “zero-tolerance policy to discriminatory language” among Scotland’s health care system. Included in discriminatory language is the use of terms that assume a traditional family structure of mother, father and children, according to the NHS directive.

“LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered] people can and do have children, sexual orientation or gender identity has nothing to do with good parenting or good child care,” the booklet states.

“Individual circumstances lead to varied family structures and parenting arrangements. It is important to be aware of this. When talking to children, consider using ‘parents‘, ‘carers’ or ‘guardians’ rather than ‘mother’ or ‘father‘.

Along the same lines, the directive points out, use of the terms ‘husband’, ‘wife’ and ‘marriage’ is not acceptable since such terms exclude lesbian, gay and bisexual people. Instead, health care workers should use the terms ‘partners’ and ‘next of kin’. Since ‘next of kin’ is often understood to mean nearest blood relative, however, the booklet recommends that it may be preferable to use ‘partner, close friend or close relative’ to avoid confusion.

“This allows the patient to identify and choose who is important to them.”

Other recommendations include ensuring the health care environment is visually reassuring to LGBT people, with posters and magazines on LGBT issues on display.

“Posters with positive images of same-sex couples, alongside similar material depicting opposite-sex couples, should be displayed in all areas e.g. waiting areas, hospital wards.”

In order to better ensure the comfort and security of LGBT people in the health care environment, the NHS calls for sexual identity “monitoring forms” to be included in all registration procedures for both staff and patients. The booklet recommends five reply options to the question of sexual orientation, including ‘Lesbian‘, ‘Gay‘, ‘Bisexual‘, ‘Heterosexual‘, and ‘Other‘. Sections recording gender should be changed to have three reply options, ‘Male‘, ‘Female‘, or ‘Other, “where people can define their own gender.”

Among guidelines for implementing pro-LGBT policies in the health care system, the directive requires that management or team leader job descriptions include a mandatory commitment to combating any “discriminatory” language or attitudes among staff.

The booklet was funded by taxpayers through the NHS Education for Scotland, as part of the Equality and Diversity program.

(news tip )

View the full NHS publication here:

See related LifeSiteNews coverage:

Scotland to Indoctrinate School Children with Anti-Homophobia Education

Scottish Schools to Instruct Children How to Engage in "Safe" Homosexual Sex"http...

Homosexual Activists Target UK Faith Schools, Adoption Policies"http...

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