Sunday, March 29, 2009

This Is Good As

What Will Your Legacy Be?

He did what was right. - 2 Kings 22:2 NIV

Josiah's grandfather, Manasseh, was a violent king who filled "Jerusalem from one end to the other with [the people's] blood" (2 Ki 21:16 NLT). His father, King Amon, died at the hands of his own officers. "He did what God said was wrong," reads his epitaph. Josiah was only eight when he ascended the throne. Immediately he chose righteousness, and didn't stop doing what was right all his life (See 2 Ki 22:2). What's the point? We can't pick our parents, but we can pick our role-models.

When Josiah was rebuilding the temple he discovered a scroll containing God's law. As he read it he wept, realising his people had drifted far from God. So he sent word to a prophetess and asked, "What will become of our people?" She told Josiah that since he had repented when he heard God's Word, his nation would be spared (See 2 Chron 34:14-27). Wow! An entire generation received grace because of the integrity of one man.

So, you can rise above your past and make a difference. Your parents may have given you your DNA, but God can give you a new birth and a new beginning. "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children" (Eph 5:1 NIV). Just like Josiah, you cannot control the way your forefathers responded to God, but you can control the way you respond to Him. Your past does not have to be your prison; you have a say in your life, you have a voice in your destiny, you have a choice in the path you take. Choose well and some day - generations from now - others will thank God for the legacy you left.

SoulFood Bible Readings: Job 24-28, Matt 26:1-13, Ps 69:1-18, Pr 8:27-29

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Thursday, March 05, 2009


Home > eNews Article > Pro-Abortion Sebelius New HHS Nominee
Pro-Abortion Sebelius New HHS Nominee
from the March 03, 2009 eNews issue (visit our website for a FREE subscription)

It hasn't taken long for President Obama to show his pro-abortion agenda on several fronts. His newest health secretary nominee, Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, is an ardent pro-abortion advocate. Sebelius has caught attention for her support of George Tiller, the abortionist famous for performing late-term abortions.

Kathleen Sebelius, the newest nominee for secretary of health and human services, has drawn criticism for her extreme pro-abortion agenda. She has repeatedly vetoed legislation passed by the Kansas legislature that would have strengthened limits on abortion. For instance, in April 2008 she vetoed a bill intended to mandate more information for women seeking an abortion, protect women from being coerced into having abortions, and allow families to sue abortion providers for illegal abortions.

In 2007 Sebelius vetoed portions of a bill that would have required doctors to explain reasons for performing abortions on fetuses old enough to survive outside the womb. According to Kansas law, late-term abortions can only be performed in order to protect the mother from irreversible physical damage. Yet, doctors like George Tiller have allegedly performed a significant number of third-trimester abortions for less serious reasons than those required by law. Sebelius argued that the 2007 bill would have compromised women's privacy, when in fact doctors assign numbers to patients for reporting purposes. Sebelius has also vetoed other sensible legislation aimed at protecting women from an over-eager abortion industry.

Operation Rescue in Kansas has accused Sebelius of corruption:

"Sebelius is joined at the hip with the abortion industry," Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue, told "She owes them her political career and has been more than willing to pay them back with personal favors that have shielded them from legislation and criminal prosecution. Her corrupt abortion politics make her unfit to serve."

One of the most serious connections she has is to the infamous late-term abortionist George Tiller, whom she has supported. Tiller is known for his willingness to perform abortions on women whose unborn infants are capable of living outside the womb. Last week a judge ruled that his trial can go forward; he's charged with 19 counts of having a financial relationship with a second doctor who signed off on the abortions he performed. Two independent doctors are supposed to approve late-term abortions in Kansas. Sebelius' veto of the 2007 abortion reporting bill protected Tiller from having to justify his high number of late-term abortions. He also won a dinner at the governor's mansion in a silent auction at a pro-abortion group's fundraiser.

Her extreme views may not hold Sebelius back from confirmation. Pro-life senators might be impressed that abortion rates declined in Kansas during Sebelius' time as governor, and envision the pro-life Senator Sam Brownback as a possible governor of Kansas if Sebelius takes the cabinet position. Pro-Life groups intend to fight Sebelius' appointment as health secretary, however. While Obama would likely choose somebody equally as pro-abortion as Sebelius if she's not confirmed, there is also a chance he could get the message and appoint somebody who is more moderate and less connected with corruption.

Related Links:
• President Barack Obama Names Pro-Abortion Kathleen Sebelius Health Secretary - Life News
• Tiller To Go To Trial On Late-Term Abortion Charges - Kansas City Star
• Sebelius Vetoes Abortion Report Measure - AP
• Sebelius Vetoes Bill Banning Coerced Abortions -
• 'The Factor' Comes Face-To-Face With George Tiller - The O'Reilly Factor
• Anti-Abortion Activists Plan to Fight Sebelius' Nomination for HHS - Fox News
• The Population Control Agenda II - Koinonia House