Monday, February 20, 2006

Media Stooping To Sewer Level

A Bloggin Minute
C4 and TV 3, aka Canwest, are in cahoots in screening a TV programme that portrays a 'statue of the virgin Mary' menstruating. Who are the crooked, perverted, boofheads behind this type of television? To what level below the surface of common decency would they grovel to, to make my kids even remotely interested enough to watch their TV stations?
I support 100% the Catholic church in calling for a boycott of C4, and TV3 and anything that those stations advertise, if they go ahead and screen this muck and any other muck they screen now and in the future. Where are the howls of protests from the Ministry of Womens Affairs about the 'Bloody Mary' programme?The women's groups and all those staunch feminist's out there? Just a strange silence, when it suits them, of course...

Friday, February 03, 2006

Deceiving and Being Deceived

We have now in New Zealand a Doctor, a GP, Neil Benson who wants to open a here--->
In the medical profession too there is this blindness to the evil pervasive in our land. And deception too, Mr Benson likens brothel -keeping to owning and selling alcohol in a pub!
Now teachers in our kindergartens are to be trained in self-defence by the Ministry of Education, this when the government is about to consider new laws to prevent parents smacking their children. Link here--->
Instead of government timewasting on anti-smacking law/ birdflus and other sky pies, why don't they ban explicit sex and violence screened on our free-to-air television programmes, and also movies/dvd's/ videos and games coming into our country? And cease government-financed abortions/ killing babies in the womb, the unseen minorities, the victims of the "Just Me" diversity and a most horrible violation against humanity.
In the USA, TV programmes like 'Sex In The City' are only available on pay-to-view channels so why is this rubbish able to beamed into our living room where my kids could easily access it? The government law-makers, the media, brothel-keepers and dodgy doctors, et al, need to be warned about tempting people to sin.