Friday, February 03, 2006

Deceiving and Being Deceived

We have now in New Zealand a Doctor, a GP, Neil Benson who wants to open a here--->
In the medical profession too there is this blindness to the evil pervasive in our land. And deception too, Mr Benson likens brothel -keeping to owning and selling alcohol in a pub!
Now teachers in our kindergartens are to be trained in self-defence by the Ministry of Education, this when the government is about to consider new laws to prevent parents smacking their children. Link here--->
Instead of government timewasting on anti-smacking law/ birdflus and other sky pies, why don't they ban explicit sex and violence screened on our free-to-air television programmes, and also movies/dvd's/ videos and games coming into our country? And cease government-financed abortions/ killing babies in the womb, the unseen minorities, the victims of the "Just Me" diversity and a most horrible violation against humanity.
In the USA, TV programmes like 'Sex In The City' are only available on pay-to-view channels so why is this rubbish able to beamed into our living room where my kids could easily access it? The government law-makers, the media, brothel-keepers and dodgy doctors, et al, need to be warned about tempting people to sin.

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