Friday, September 14, 2007

Cash Cows

On the news today it is reported that dairy company giant Fonterra, are to raise quite considerably, the price of butter and just when I had decided to no longer buy yoghurt because of the over-inflated prices in the shops. I have been used to buying two 6-packs of yoghurt and now can only buy one 6-pack for the same price. So, in this butter/yoghurt-less home I am hoping that someone will devise a simple way for me to apply olive oil instead to my morning toast and lunchtime sandwiches. A brush perhaps but one that doesn't require hot water rinsing after every use maybe? A life without butter might pose a problem when it comes to baking day but I'm convinced, it's the banana cakes loaded with butter causing my hanging midriff in these latter years of my life. It's maybe the right time to ditch the cake baking traditions especially since the food police have made us feel guilty, have taken away the pleasure even, to indulge in foods with sugar or butter anyway. Still, there's the time-honoured milk bottle, I am already taking sideways glances at it. If I can do without that bottle in the fridge too, I stand to recoup heaps of cash, much like someone does when they ply hundreds into Lotto for years without a win and then when they finally stop buying them they find they are winning at the bank balance. Ah ye, it's a great day when you stop being a slave to things that are not profitable to you :)

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