Wednesday, November 07, 2007

So Who Will You Serve?

I've been thinking alot lately about the state of our country, never mind the rest of the world, Jesus is taking care of it :) I am wondering how soon the country could be overtaken by another culture other than the two we are the most familiar with. If you would stop and give some thought to the boundary's that have been taken away and the barrier's torn down, that used to protect our young New Zealander's, there being nothing to keep them from the substance's to abuse nor the media that would addle the brains and turn them into mere state robots, providing much work in state-run or state-funded welfare agencies or NGO's. All of which are given state monies to take care of the nations ever-growing needy and lost children. So, there's money in it, heaps in fact. But while the brain's of our youth are frying, what do you think is happening to the youth brought up in the differing religions here? They are thriving, healthy and fed on a complete diet of whatever it is that is their doctrine. So, is that a good thing or is it a bad thing? Before you attack and tear down the Christian family doing their utmost best to steer their offspring on the road of God's righteousness, consider the alternatives of other faiths for a minute.
I am apalled that a most wonderful and highly reputable Christian- based parenting programme, (, being run in 80% of our schools, is not allowed to be funded by the Government because 'ParentsInc' talk from a moral perspective! So, the Government doesn't like morality taught to our parent's but when the parent's fail as parent's, for their lack of morality, (and that is everyone outside of religion), the children now have to be taught VALUES education in the schools! This ridiculous plan coincides with the taking over of the Ministry of Education portfolio by a homosexual minister, Chris Carter. Small wonder morality is not allowed, where's the justice in that for the majority of parents who consider homosexuality immoral?

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