Friday, December 02, 2005

A Bloggin Minute: Wearing Down

A Bloggin Minute: Wearing DownA Judicial Assault on Parenthood
Michael Medved

In an appalling travesty of justice, the Washington State Supreme Court has ordered a husband and wife to share custody of their ten-year-old daughter with a third parent: a lesbian lover the mother rejected four years ago!

The two women lived together when the baby was born, but the mother left homosexuality to marry the biological father of the girl. The court, however, anointed the one-time lesbian lover as a "de facto parent" with the same rights as the mother--despite the fact that she never adopted the girl legally when they lived together.

This decision not only trashes the rights of biological parents, but also slights the significance of legal adoption. It grants special status to a homosexual relationship--even when discarded--while clearly ignoring the best interests of a child.

How would a ten year old benefit from a court-created third parent to whom she bears no biological or adoptive relationship?

Michael Medved is the host of The Michael Medved Show.

Michael Medved is the author of Right Turns: Unconventional Lessons from a Controversial Life.


Anonymous said...

Hmm... I wonder if you'd have posted this if the third "parent" had been a man.

Where in the Bible does it condemn lesbianism?

theoneiknow said...

Kia ora, thanks for your comment :)
Yes I most certainly would have done so if the 'third' party had been a man.
God condemns all forms of sin, of course He must because what would have been the point of sending Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sins? People must come to grips with this fact. Unless we believe this by faith we are sinning in even our unbelief. We must all accept Jesus Christ and repent of our sins, every one of them.
Read in the Bible in the book of Leviticus Chapter 18, verses 22 and 23 about what God thinks of confusion, confusion that abounds in the world more and more each day.

Anonymous said...

Similar goes on fairly often with heterosexual relationships. I'm not saying it's necessarily a good thing that parents' ex-partners get custody, but I still doubt you'd have posted this had the relationship been heterosexual. But I digress.
Leviticus 18:22 condemns male homosexuality (probably). It says nothing about lesbianism.
Leviticus 18:23 condemns bestiality and confusion. Again, nothing is mentioned of lesbianism.

Anonymous said...

"God condemns all forms of sin, of course He must because what would have been the point of sending Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sins? People must come to grips with this fact."

Uh, and that "fact" would be that "God condemns all forms of sin" or that he sent "Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sins"? Would you mind pointing out what makes these "facts"?

"Unless we believe this by faith we are sinning in even our unbelief."

Ah, I see, so we don't need to accept them as facts after all. We simply need to "believe by faith". Don't you people ever stop to wonder what's going through your heads?

theoneiknow said...

Sin is sin, repent of all your sins! if it's telling lies, repent! If it's sleeping with someone from the same sex as yourself or with someone who is not your wife or husband, repent! If you're a thief, repent! Get right with God before it is too late!

Anonymous said...

Sin is sin, Jesus will forgive you of all your sins, no matter whether you repent or not, because Jesus is infinitely good, and would not allow anyone go to Hell ever. Don't get with God - you're already there. (And sleeping with someone of your own gender is not necessarily immoral, just so you know.)