Sunday, December 11, 2005

A Bloggin Minute:The Children are Eating Dog Faeces, arn't they?

A Bloggin MinuteWell yes, one did, forced to, over a seven-week period by his mother and two of her friends.,2106,3490069a12855,00.html
This type of horrendous crime against children is becoming all too frequent in our small country with a population of only 4Million. It never used to be like this. Things have progressively declined morally since homosexuality was legalised in this country in 1984 and our liberal abortion laws enable thousands of baby New Zealander's to be murdered each year. Recently, the liberal Labour Government has also allowed Civil Unions, the closest they could get, at the moment, to homosexual and lesbian marriage, and they have legalised prostitution and pimping openly on our streets and brothel operating and keeping, in our neighbourhoods. We have drug runners using our soft-touch country now as a major trafficking route, yes it's open slather in what 'was' affectionately known as, Godzone!
I heard a talk-back radio host say,".. but we have the lowest unemployment in the world and the immigrant's coming here are saying this country is so great". Well, they would say that wouldn't they when the countries they are leaving are currently worse than our own, but will they be worse much longer? Or, will our country be worn-down completely? and then where will we go, to India perhaps? South Africa, Zimbabwe, China, how's about Thailand...


Anonymous said...

You somehow link the moral decline of the country with the legalisation of homosexuality. Do you have any evidence of this? Did you know that the country that has the highest rate of drug use also uses the death penalty for male homosexuals?

Anonymous said...

Come on, hapi, where is your evidence for your claim that the moral decline of the country is linked to the legalisation of homosexuality?

Anonymous said...

What about avoiding the question? Is that another part of the agenda?

I'll repeat the question: Where is your evidence that legalising homosexuality has led to the moral decline of the country?

theoneiknow said...

You scan the social welfare files, court lists, police files and newspapers and find out for yourself what has gone on and gone wrong since 1984. Take a look at all the new laws since and continue to be, drawn up, to 'cover it' all.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that when there were more pirates, the temperature of the Earth was colder. Therefore pirates prevent global warming.

You check your trends - perhaps crime has worsened since 1984, but has it done so at a greater rate than it was doing so before 1984? Moreover, why, out of all the things that happened in 1984 do you choose to link increasing crime with decriminalisation of homosexuality?