Thursday, October 06, 2005

hangon a bloggin minute mate ;)

Welcome to blogger-inn, take a seat, close your eyes and prepare for heaven. Some minute or another you will hear some soothing stuff, soothing to your (hopefully not itching) ears....


theoneiknow said...

havn't the time to find out how to use this facility properly with the minute time frame so will carry-on teens were eating some chicken legs for tea and had the bones 'walking' round the table and we all agreed, how can those long legs be from chickens? A chicken surely is small, legs not very long and has yellow feathers, we thought. So we deduced that they must be hens or roosters and so not properly chickens at all. And when we coupled each leg up with another leg it took on quite a "Z" look about it and they became more like the size of a kiwi or maybe a Moa...

theoneiknow said...

Dear God, I thank you that You sent Jesus to earth to save me but Lord God, why isn't everyone being saved, some just don't want a bar of knowing about You. So strange. Will you send them here to: please? Cos Ray Comfort can show them some good stuff about you, especially 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' huh ;)
Love you,
from mewhoknowsyou :)

theoneiknow said...

Man, I can't handle the Blog I've got!